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Update on modernization of visual survey simulation programs
Dan W Smith; Debra Palka
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The Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission has used simulated data to evaluate novel analysis methods for line transect abundance surveys. These datasets have been archived with the Secretariat. However, the original executable code used to create those simulated data was generated using now outdated compilers. To make the code more accessible, the Scientific Committee funded a project to document, update, and streamline the code so it is compatible with newer available compilers. This manuscript describes the updating process, now complete, and provides guidelines and examples showing how to use the programs to create new simulated data scenarios and how to re-compile the code after further development. We plan to make the code and guidelines available on GitHub. The existing simulated datasets, together with others that may be generated with the updated programs, could comprise a library of datasets for use by the Scientific Committee in evaluating future novel analysis methods for line transect data.