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Abundance estimate of common minke whales in sub-areas 11, 10E and 7CN in 2014
Tomio Miyashita
Abundance of common minke whales in sub-areas 11, 10E and 7CN was estimated from
2014 sighting data taking into multi covariates. The perpendicular distance was truncated at
0.7 n.miles and the covariates to be considered were beaufort scale and ship. Half-Normal model with all covariates was the best fitted model and the resultant abundance estimates with (CV, 95%CI) were; 346 (0.7641, 81-1,477) in sub-area 11, 1,463 (0.6672, 390-5,486) in sub-area 10E and 409 (0.5563, 135-1,242) in 7CN, respectively. These estimates are presented for possible use in conditioning of the current Implementation Review for western North Pacific common minke whale.