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Research plan for the 2023 COMHAFAT cetacean sighting survey in the coastal waters of western North Africa
Samba Tenin Diallo
Authors Summary
A plan is proposed for a cetacean sighting survey conducted by COMHAFAT in coastal waters of western
North Africa in 2023. The study area is set in the coastal waters from Liberia to Ghana through Cote
d’Ivoire. Zigzag track lines with around 1,200 nm of length are placed in the area, except for shallow
waters less than 50 m for safe sailing. A 21-days survey period will be set in winter of 2023 season. Of the
period, the survey will be conducted for 15 days. The remaining 6 days is set for transit cruise, i.e., 2 days
is from Guinea to Liberia and 4 days is from Ghana to Guinea. The survey is started off Liberia and
finished off Ghana. The research vessel, GENERAL LANSANA CONTE of Guinea (198 tons), will be
engaged. Researchers from COMHAFAT member states conduct the survey. Scientists from nonmember
states, however, can be onboard, if the COMHAFAT and vessel capacity allow it. Cetacean searching is
conducted from line transect method, under good weather condition (Beaufort wind scale of 3 or less and
greater than 2 nm in visibility). Researchers search the sea surface for cetaceans from the vessel following
the pre-determined track lines at around 10 knots. The normal closing mode survey is carried out, in which
closing is made for all cetacean species encountered during searching.
Publication Year
ABSTRACT A plan is proposed for a cetacean sighting survey conducted by COMHAFAT in coastal waters of western North Africa in 2023. The study area is set in the coastal waters from Liberia to Ghana through Cote d’Ivoire. Zigzag track lines with around 1,200 nm of length are placed in the area, except for shallow waters less than 50 m for safe sailing. A 21-days survey period will be set in winter of 2023 season. Of the period, the survey will be conducted for 15 days. The remaining 6 days is set for transit cruise, i.e., 2 days is from Guinea to Liberia and 4 days is from Ghana to Guinea. The survey is started off Liberia and finished off Ghana. The research vessel, GENERAL LANSANA CONTE of Guinea (198 tons), will be engaged. Researchers from COMHAFAT member states conduct the survey. Scientists from nonmember states, however, can be onboard, if the COMHAFAT and vessel capacity allow it. Cetacean searching is conducted from line transect method, under good weather condition (Beaufort wind scale of 3 or less and greater than 2 nm in visibility). Researchers search the sea surface for cetaceans from the vessel following the pre-determined track lines at around 10 knots. The normal closing mode survey is carried out, in which closing is made for all cetacean species encountered during searching.