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An outline of the research plan for the 2023/2024 JASS-A survey in Antarctic Area IV-West
Tatsuya Isoda, Taiki Katsumata, Yujin Kim, Takashi Hakamada And Koji Matsuoka
Authors Summary
This paper outlines the objectives and survey procedures of the 2023/2024 line transect whale sighting survey under the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure Surveys in the Antarctic (JASS-A program). The main research objectives of JASS-A are i) the study of the abundance and abundance trends of large whale species, and ii) the study of the distribution, movement and stock structure of large whale species. JASS-A also has several secondary research objectives related to oceanography, marine debris and whale biology. This paper is to outline the objectives, survey procedures and schedule of the 2023/2024 JASS-A survey in Area IV-West (70°–100°E) in the Indo sector of the Antarctic, including backup plans.
Publication Year
This paper outlines the objectives and survey procedures of the 2023/2024 sighting survey under the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure Surveys in the Antarctic (JASS-A program). This program started in the 2019/2020 austral summer season. The main research objectives of JASS-A are i) the study of the abundance and abundance trends of large whale species, and ii) the study of the distribution, movement and stock structure of large whale species. JASS-A also has several secondary research objectives related to oceanographic, marine debris and whale biology. The research program is based on systematic sighting surveys utilizing the Line Transect Method, and is conducted alternatively in IWC Areas III, IV, V and VI by one or two specialized vessels, during a tentative period of eight austral summer seasons. The objective of this paper is to outline the objectives, survey procedures and schedule of the 2023/2024 JASS-A survey in Area IV-West (70°–100°E), in the Indo sector of the Antarctic, including backup plans.