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Overview of the Status of Stocks Initiative, and intersessional progress of the group on language, terminology, and website content development.
Frank Cipriano, Kate Wilson, Geof H. Givens
Authors Summary
Assessing the status of cetacean populations (a carefully conducted review of abundance and trend, including consideration of biological parameters, human-induced mortality levels, evidence for genetic, morphological and acoustic distinctiveness, movements and mixing, interbreeding and migratory interchange, and other factors) is one of the core activities of the IWC Scientific Committee (SC). This paper describes the Status of Stocks initiative (SOSI), which was motivated by a new focus on communicating about this work in a format more accessible to non-scientists, the general public, and the Commission. Developing content and design of a series of web pages started in 2017 within the Standing Working Group on Abundance Estimates, Stock Status and International Cruises (ASI).
The aim of SOSI is primarily to summarise completed Committee work for the website, the Commission, and the public, but also to provide information on how such assessments are conducted by the Scientific Committee, with methodology and results provided at increasing levels of detail up to that which may be useful for informing interested scientists including SC members. Information provided in the Status of Stocks website will be based primarily on the stock assessment modeling work done for a wide range of the SC’s activities, including in-depth assessments, Implementation Reviews, etc.
This paper has two primary purposes: (1) to inform SC members on the background of the project and progress to date, and (2) to present new recommendations on new and revised SOSI content. To facilitate review and discussion it provides SOSI draft content as: a) updates of draft webpages developed previously, b) prototypes converted into actual webpages by a Secretariat team and provided as screen captures, and c) actual draft webpages accessed by clicking on a hyperlinked header.
Publication Year
Assessing the status of cetacean populations is one of the core activities of the IWC Scientific Committee (SC). The Status of Stocks initiative (SOSI) was motivated by a new focus on communicating about this work in a format more accessible to non-scientists, the general public, and the Commission. Developing content and design of a series of web pages started in 2017 within the Standing Working Group on Abundance Estimates, Stock Status and International Cruises (ASI).
The aim of SOSI is primarily to summarise completed Committee work for the website, the Commission, and the public. Information provided will be based primarily on the stock assessment modeling work done for a wide range of the SC’s activities, including in-depth assessments, Implementation Reviews, etc.
This paper has two primary purposes: (1) to inform SC members on the background of the project and progress to date, and (2) to present new recommendations on new and revised SOSI content. To facilitate review and discussion we provide SOSI draft content as: a) updates of draft webpages developed previously, b) prototypes converted into actual webpages by a Secretariat team and provided as screen captures, and c) actual draft webpages accessed by clicking on a hyperlinked header within this document. These draft webpages are not yet accessible from menus on the IWC website, but we provide URL links to the hidden pages.