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Cruise Report COMHAFAT Cetacean Survey 2023
Samba Tenin Diallo, Masse Fofana and Herve Maomou With The Collaboration Of Abdoulaye Wague, Aboubacar Gueye, Efraim Armando Barai, Kalokoh Moses
Authors Summary
The fourth cetacean sighting survey in the Northwestern COMHAFAT coastal waters (Guinea Bissau, Guinea and
Sierra Leone) took place in December 30, 2022 to January 09, 2023. It was carried out with N/O GENERAL LANSANA CONTE by the Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques of Boussoura (CNSHB) under the auspices of COMHAFAT, with the collaboration of some African fisheries institutions and fisheries research centers such as the IMROP of Nouadhibou in Mauritania, the CRODT of Dakar in Senegal, and the CIPA of Bissau in Guinea Bissau and Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Freetown, Sierra Leone. During this survey 721.3 nautical miles (nm) of line transects were covered, 5419 individuals of cetacean species for 17 schools and 5 species were sighted. In terms of schools and individuals, there were 6 schools of 2505 animals of Short finned pilot whale, 2 school of 350
animals of Pantropical spotted dolphin, 4 school of 547 animals of Common dolphin, 3 school of 2017 animals of
Bottlenose dolphin, 1 school of 20 unidentified dolphins.
Publication Year
Abstract The fourth cetacean sighting survey in the Northwestern COMHAFAT coastal waters (Guinea Bissau, Guinea and Sierra Leone) took place in December 30, 2022 to January 09, 2023. It was carried out with N/O GENERAL LANSANA CONTE by the Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques of Boussoura (CNSHB) under the auspices of COMHAFAT, with the collaboration of some African fisheries institutions and fisheries research centers such as the IMROP of Nouadhibou in Mauritania, the CRODT of Dakar in Senegal, and the CIPA of Bissau in Guinea Bissau and Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Freetown, Sierra Leone. During this survey 721.3 nautical miles (nm) of line transects were covered, 5419 individuals of cetacean species for 17 schools and 5 species were sighted. In terms of schools and individuals, there were 6 schools of 2505 animals of Short finned pilot whale, 2 school of 350 animals of Pantropical spotted dolphin, 4 school of 547 animals of Common dolphin, 3 school of 2017 animals of Bottlenose dolphin, 1 school of 20 unidentified dolphins.