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Debra Palka, SEFSC science staff
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Debra Palka, SEFSC science staff
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This provides an update on the field research, restoration projects, and management advances as related to the Gulf of Mexico (Bryde's) whale that occurred during 2019 - 2020. As part of the NOAA RESTORE Science Program study on the trophic ecology and habitat use of Gulf of Mexico Bryde’s whales, a research cruise was conducted during the summer of 2019 in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. In addition, a variety of passive acoustic studies are ongoing. There are two restoration projects planned in the Gulf of Mexico that have direct bearing on Bryde's whales: the the Open Ocean Marine Mammal Vessel Collision Mitigation and Noise Mitigation projects. In regards to management advances, a draft recovery outline has been developed, NOAA has been conducting ESA Section 7 consultations on a number of projects, and there are preparations for 2 recovery workshops.