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SC_69A_SAN_01.pdf917 KB |
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Updated observations relevant to the Scientific Committee’s 3rd decadal review of the Southern Ocean Sanctuary (SOS).
Elanor J. Miller, Elanor M. Bell, William De La Mare
Authors Summary
SC/69a/SAN01 updates the research bibliography of SC/66b/SAN01 presented in 2016. The Southern Ocean Sanctuary (SOS) was established by the Commission in 1994. The area covered by the SOS in combination with the complementary Indian Ocean Sanctuary (IOS). The southern boundary of the IOS is contiguous with the northern boundary of the SOS. The Schedule amendment establishing the Southern Ocean Sanctuary requires the Sanctuary to be reviewed at succeeding ten year intervals, unless this timing is revised by the Commission.
The first review of the SOS took place in 2004; a second review was completed in 2016. The third decadal review will be conducted in 2024. An important component of the review process will involve an assessment of the scientific research undertaken within the SOS and the contiguous IOS against Objectives 4 and 6, and Term of Reference 4, in particular. In readiness, a compilation of the research conducted in the SOS since 2016 is underway. SC/69a/SAN01 presents a draft compilation; it is currently incomplete and non-exhaustive.
It also introduces a new online portal hosted by the IWC Secretariat, available to assist researchers in submitting summaries of research for the upcoming and future SOS and IOS reviews. Submissions are invited during the 2023/24 intersessional period to ensure that, as much as practicable, all research has been captured for the SOS review in 2024.
Publication Year
This document updates the research bibliography of SC/66b/SAN01 presented in 2016. The Southern Ocean Sanctuary (SOS) was established by the Commission in 1994. The area covered by the SOS in combination with the complementary Indian Ocean Sanctuary (IOS). The southern boundary of the IOS is contiguous with the northern boundary of the SOS. The Schedule amendment establishing the Southern Ocean Sanctuary requires the Sanctuary to be reviewed at succeeding ten year intervals, unless this timing is revised by the Commission.
The first review of the SOS took place in 2004; a second review was completed in 2016. The third decadal review will be conducted in 2024. An important component of the review process will involve an assessment of the scientific research undertaken within the SOS and the contiguous IOS against Objectives 4 and 6, and Term of Reference 4, in particular. In readiness, a compilation of the research conducted in the SOS since 2016 is underway. This document presents a draft compilation; it is currently incomplete and non-exhaustive.
This paper also introduces a new online portal hosted by the IWC Secretariat, available to assist researchers in submitting summaries of research for the upcoming and future SOS and IOS reviews. Submissions are invited during the 2023/24 intersessional period to ensure that, as much as practicable, all research has been captured for the SOS review in 2024.