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Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin Conservation Network (HuDoNet): Collaborating to enhance conservation efforts for the Endangered Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea)
Shanan Atkins; Gill Braulik; Ada Natoli; Els Vermeulen; Et Al
Authors Summary
Report SC/69b/SMxx reports on the development of HuDoNET, a network for the conservation of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins. Currently, HuDoNET is an effort of 70 members from 17 different countries across the range of the species Sousa plumbea. The network was established in response to the poor conservation status of the species, highlighted on multiple occasions in the SC, and aims to address various recommendations made by the SC (see e.g., IWC 1999, 2000, 2017, 2019, 2021). The subcommittee welcomes the report and commends the development of this network. It further encourages continued effort from all members involved to proceed with the planned activities, and recommends the development of an Action Plan for the species.
Publication Year
Understanding the poor conservation status of the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin and the need to implement previous IWC recommendations, the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin Conservation Network (HuDoNET) was established, modelled on the successful initiatives of the Conservation Consortium of the Atlantic humpback dolphin (CCAHD) and the South African SouSA Consortium. The aim of HuDoNET is to galvinise action to improve the conservation status of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins throughout its range by promoting conservation research and action, foster collaboration and boosting resources and capacity among stakeholders in all range states.