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The occurrence of trichinellosis in gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) and Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) off Chukotka, Russian Federation (SC_67B_E_02)
Bukina, L.A., Skurihin, L.E., Lobovikov, S.V. and Litovka, D.I.
The investigation of 299 landed Gray whales and Pacific walruses off Chukotka (Russia) for trichinellosis was conducted in 2006, 2010 and 2017. Trichinella spp. transmission in coastal ecosystems off Chukotka can be carried out due to trophic-ecological factors - necrophagy and predation. The role of mechanical vectors of invasion is performed by numerous invertebrates and some vertebrates. The gray whale samples were negative to trichinellosis, the infestation of
walruses was 1.45% in 2006.