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IWC Eastern South Pacific Southern Right Whale Conservation Management Plan ? Progress Report April 2022
B?rbara Galletti Vernazzani
The eastern South Pacific southern right whale population found off Chile and Peru is one of the most threatened whale populations worldwide. This population is listed on the IUCN Red List as Critically Endangered. The International Whaling Commission adopted a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for this population and the Governments of Chile and Peru signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Important advances have been made since last year CMP virtual coordination meeting, including progress on the Passive Acoustic Monitoring project and the collection of photo-IDs. Now that Covid-19 pandemic restrictions are been lifted, important activities such as the workshop experience exchange on whale watching and research permits, that have been delayed are expected to take place during the second half of 2022. The CMP has proved to be a key framework to facilitate the implementation of conservation measures for this Critically Endangered population and to enhance international collaboration for their long-term recovery.