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Effectiveness of pingers to reduce the bycatch of Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) in the Uruguayan artisanal gillnet fishery
Effectiveness of pingers to reduce the bycatch of Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) in the Uruguayan artisanal gillnet fishery
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The Franciscana Pontoporia blainvillei is the main dolphin species affected by fisheries in the southwest Atlantic. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of acoustic deterrents (Banana Pinger) in reducing the bycatch of Franciscana in gillnets. During October 2019 – March 2021 we conducted an experiment under realistic fishing conditions in collaboration with artisanal fishers of seven boats from Montevideo (Río de la Plata) and La Paloma (Atlantic coast), Uruguay. The protocol considered nets with pingers (experimental treatment) and without (control treatment). Data from 428 fishing sets (200 and 228 sets with and without pingers) and 5458 nets (2605 and 2853 nets with and without pingers) were obtained. A total of 25 Franciscana dolphins were captured, 7 of them in the experimental treatment and 18 in the control treatment. After considering relevant ancillary variables (i.e. sea surface temperature, mesh size, soak time) and the fishing boat as random effect, the result of a Generalized Additive Mixed Model (GAMM) indicated a significant reduction in the bycatch of Franciscana in the experimental treatment, in comparison to control nets. We found convincing evidence that Banana Pingers reduces the bycatch of Franciscana in the Uruguayan artisanal gillnet fishery; these results are potentially applicable to other artisanal gillnet fisheries interacting with this small cetacean. Further research needs are discussed.