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Bycatch Mitigation Initiative Workplan, 2021-2024
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IWC Body
Publication Year
The Bycatch Mitigation Initiative 10-year Strategic Plan provides the overarching vision for the period 2018-2028. High level objectives presented in the workplan below directly correspond to the six agreed objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan. As outlined in Strategic Plan, the BMI is under-taking a phased approach to implementing its ambitious vision. The focus of the initiative in this workplan period (2021-2024) will be on securing funding for implementing pilot projects; evaluation of results from pilot project trials; driving innovation of mitigation measures; promotion of BMI technical advice and capacity building opportunities; promotion of best practice; and improvement and streamlining of bycatch reporting to IWC and other processes. Given the collaborative nature of the BMI, and the collective challenges ahead in addressing cetacean bycatch, the success of this ambitious workplan relies in part on the continued and strengthened engagement from collaborating organisations, governments and experts and fishing communities.
The activities in the workplan are costed (total amounts for the full, 4-year period, or by activity) where estimates have been possible to calculate. Funds to implement these activities will be sought through IWC voluntary contributions (through VCF), in kind and financial contributions from partners and wider, external fundraising.