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Appendix 1 – Hector’s and Māui Dolphin Threat Management Plan Review, Risk Assessment Workshop, 9-13 July 2018. Panel Recommendations.
Barbara Taylor, Mike Lonergan, Randall Reeves
This document provides the comments and recommendations of the Expert Panel that participated in the Hector’s and Māui Dolphin Threat Management Plan Risk Assessment Workshop in Wellington, 9-13 July 2018. The workshop discussed and reviewed a wide range of material presented by those directly working on the plan, and also benefited from the active participation of other scientists who have studied this species and of individuals representing a number of interested organisations.
Although the Terms of Reference for the workshop made clear that risk management discussions were out of scope, they also made clear that the Threat Management Plan (TMP) process was meant to serve the Ministers by not only enabling government to ensure the “long-term viability” of the Māui and Hector’s dolphin populations, but also by “leading the recovery process.” The workshop’s purpose was to identify, analyse and evaluate threats to both subspecies and to identify those threats that pose the greatest risk to achieving management objectives, whatever they might turn out to be.