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Assessment of cortisol concentration in baleens of gray whales harvested in Chukotka, 2003-2017 (SC_67B_E_04)
Naidenko S.V., Klyuchnikova P.S. and Litovka, D.I.
For the first time a sufficiently large sample (n = 24) was analyzed for the content of glucocorticoids in baleens of gray whales, harvested for subsistence in Chukotka (Russia). The work was carried out mainly on young animals, the size of their baleens highly positively correlated with the animals’ size and age. Reliable sexual differences in the cortisol concentration in different parts of the baleens were not revealed. The trend of increasing of cortisol concentration to the proximal part of the baleen was found. Some revealed correlations suggest that larger whales had a lower cortisol level, which can be an indicator of both lower stress and a lower metabolic rate in larger whales.