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Final conclusions of the JARPNII research based on refined analyses and additional samples
Tsutomu Tamura, Hideyoshi Yoshida, Genta Yasunaga, Mutsuo Goto and Luis A. Pastene
The Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the western North Pacific-Phase II (JARPNII) was conducted between 2000 and 2016 under three main research objectives related to feeding ecology and ecosystem modelling, environmental pollutants, and stock structure. The final review of JARPNII was carried out by an Expert Review Panel in February 2016 (2016 final review) based primarily on data collected from 2000 to 2013. The report of the 2016 final review was discussed at the 2016 IWC SC Annual Meeting. The IWC SC positively evaluated the scientific outputs of JARPNII, and at the same time encouraged the proponents to follow the recommendations provided in its report and submit further work to peer-reviewed scientific journals. JARPNII scientists conducted refined analyses based on recommendations from the IWC SC and the complete JARPNII data set from 2000-2016. The objectives of this document are i) to provide the results of the refined analyses conducted under the three main research objectives of JARPNII, and ii) to summarize the main conclusions of this research programme. Results of the refined analyses confirmed the main conclusions of the 2016 final review.