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+/- | Thumbnail | Document Number | Full Title | Author | Publication Year | ID | Type | Extension | Tools |
Acoustic monitoring of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin... | 14166 | Document | |||||||
Global Numbers of Ship Strikes: An Assessment of Collisions Between... | 14169 | Document | |||||||
Progress report on pygmy blue whale assessments | 14172 | Document | |||||||
A short note on unusual high frequency of cetacean strandings in... | 14175 | Document | |||||||
8th Progress Report on IWC Ship Strike Data Coordination – May 2020 | 14178 | Document | |||||||
Morphologic distinctions and particularities of pygmy blue whale body... | 14181 | Document | |||||||
High Numbers of Cetacean Strandings Observed During Intensive Beach... | 14184 | Document | |||||||
Low-cost solutions to cetacean bycatch in global gillnet fisheries | 14187 | Document | |||||||
Progress report on Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue: Period May... | 14190 | Document | |||||||
Update on Progress of the IWC Strandings Initiative 2019-2020 | 14193 | Document | |||||||
Bycatch Mitigation Initiative Progress Report and draft workplan 2021-2024 | 14196 | Document | |||||||
Sexual and physical maturity of pygmy blue whales (Balaenoptera... | 14199 | Document | |||||||
Summary of Unusual Cetaceans Strandings Events worldwide (2018-2020) | 14202 | Document | |||||||
Progression of IWC Work on Ship Strikes | 14205 | Document | |||||||
Using photo-identification to investigate the identity of blue whales... | 14208 | Document | |||||||
Mediterranean Sperm Whales Unusual Mortality Event in 2019 | 14211 | Document | |||||||
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Fisheries Standard Review:... | 14214 | Document | |||||||
Survey 2020 on board the Argentinean icebreaker ARA Almirante Irizar | 14217 | Document | |||||||
Summary of WWF’s Review of Shipping and Cetaceans... | 14220 | Document | |||||||
Monitoring... | 14223 | Document | |||||||
Progress Report on the intersessional working group “Multi-ocean... | 14226 | Document | |||||||
The piracatinga (Calophysus macropterus) fishery and its impact on... | 14229 | Document | |||||||
Review of gray whale health and disease | 14232 | Document | |||||||
Assignment of South Georgia catches between southeast Pacific blue... | 14235 | Document | |||||||
History of IWC Pollution Initiatives | 14238 | Document | |||||||
Abundance estimation of franciscana dolphins by means of aerial surveys... | 14241 | Document | |||||||
Threats to Franciscana in FMA IA | 14244 | Document | |||||||
Threats to franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) in FMA II: a... | 14247 | Document | |||||||
Plastic-polluted whales: an update on ingestion of marine debris by... | 14250 | Document | |||||||
Management and conservation of Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) in... | 14253 | Document | |||||||
Is Iberian harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) threatened by... | 14256 | Document | |||||||
IndoCet stranding network- report on strandings for the Western Indian... | 14259 | Document | |||||||
The Southwestern Atlantic Southern Right Whale... | 14262 | Document | |||||||
Development of Flukebook automated photo-ID matching capability for the... | 14265 | Document | |||||||
State of the Cetacean Environment Report | 14268 | Document | |||||||
Abundance estimation of franciscana dolphins by means of aerial surveys... | 14271 | Document | |||||||
Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and fisheries interactions in the... | 14274 | Document | |||||||
A short note on unusual high frequency of cetacean strandings in... | 14277 | Document | |||||||
Management and conservation actions for the Franciscana (Pontoporia... | 14280 | Document | |||||||
High Numbers of Cetacean Strandings Observed During Intensive Beach... | 14283 | Document | |||||||
Reinvigorating conservation efforts for the Atlantic humpback dolphin... | 14286 | Document | |||||||
Report on IUCN Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel (WGWAP) work from June... | 14289 | Document | |||||||
Survey report for Vaquita Photographic Identification Research 2019 | 14292 | Document | |||||||
Update on Progress of the IWC Strandings Initiative 2019-2020 | 14295 | Document | |||||||
Summary of threats to Franciscana viability in FMA III – southern... | 14298 | Document | |||||||
Amazonian river dolphin density estimates in the Mamiraua Sustainable... | 14301 | Document | |||||||
Summary of Unusual Cetaceans Strandings Events worldwide (2018-2020) | 14304 | Document | |||||||
Whale Distribution in the Northern Arabian Sea along Coast of Pakistan... | 14307 | Document | |||||||
Creation of a Tursiops truncatus gephyreus task team | 14310 | Document | |||||||
Mediterranean Sperm Whales Unusual Mortality Event in 2019 | 14313 | Document | |||||||
2020 Gray whale abundance in Laguna San Ignacio and Bahia Magdalena... | 14316 | Document | |||||||
Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins: conservation status update... | 14319 | Document | |||||||
Monitoring... | 14322 | Document | |||||||
Freshwater small cetaceans in Asia - current situation and role of a... | 14325 | Document | |||||||
Predicting the effects of whalewatching activity on the vital rates of... | 14328 | Document | |||||||
The piracatinga (Calophysus macropterus) fishery and its impact on... | 14331 | Document | |||||||
Progress report from the Arabian Sea Whale Network | 14334 | Document | |||||||
Update on the Third Modelling and Assessment of Whale-watching Impacts... | 14337 | Document | |||||||
Abundance estimation of franciscana dolphins by means of aerial surveys... | 14340 | Document | |||||||
Progress Report on Passive Acoustic Monitoring of the Eastern South... | 14343 | Document | |||||||
Threats to franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) in FMA II: a... | 14346 | Document | |||||||
Update on IWC Whale Watching Handbook | 14349 | Document | |||||||
Gray whale stranding records in Mexico during the 2020 winter breeding... | 14352 | Document | |||||||
Is Iberian harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) threatened by... | 14355 | Document | |||||||
Injuries, malformations... | 14358 | Document | |||||||
Gray whale's body condition in Laguna San Ignacio, BCS, Mexico... | 14361 | Document | |||||||
Development of Flukebook automated photo-ID matching capability for the... | 14364 | Document | |||||||
Baleen Whale Ecology in Arctic and Subarctic Seas in an Era of Rapid... | 14367 | Document | |||||||
Status Report of Conservation and Research on the western North Pacific... | 14370 | Document | |||||||
Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and fisheries interactions in the... | 14373 | Document | |||||||
Population structure of Sakhalin gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus)... | 14376 | Document | |||||||
Visual Health Assessment and evaluation of Anthropogenic threats to... | 14379 | Document | |||||||
Reinvigorating conservation efforts for the Atlantic humpback dolphin... | 14382 | Document | |||||||
Refining estimates of availability bias to improve assessments of the... | 14385 | Document | |||||||
Conservation Management Plans: Update from the CMP Standing Working Group | 14388 | Document | |||||||
Survey report for Vaquita Photographic Identification Research 2019 | 14391 | Document | |||||||
A first estimate of franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) abundance off... | 14394 | Document | |||||||
Distribution, habitat use... | 14403 | Document | |||||||
IWC Western South Atlantic Southern Right Whale Conservation Management... | 14406 | Document | |||||||
Creation of a Tursiops truncatus gephyreus task team | 14409 | Document | |||||||
Draft Recommendation on 12.3 (following discussion on Friday) | 15639 | Document | |||||||
Status of the Icelandic whale DNA register | 15642 | Document | |||||||
WW Schedule | 15645 | Document | |||||||
SDDNA Draft Agenda | 15648 | Document | |||||||
Chair’s Summary Part 1 - 18 May 2020 | 15651 | Document | |||||||
An update of the Norwegian minke whale DNA register (May 7, 2020) | 15654 | Document | |||||||
Previous advice - excerpt from JCRM 16 (Supp) 2015 | 15657 | Document | |||||||
Request for assistance in developing WW guidelines in Timor-Leste | 15660 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 10.1.2 Reference databases and standards for DNA... | 15663 | Document | |||||||
Excerpt from SC/66b/SM5 | 15666 | Document | |||||||
Ministerial Resolution No.451-2019-Produce: Peru (English translation... | 15669 | Document | |||||||
Recommendations to avoid sample depletion (excerpted from SC68a SDDNA... | 15672 | Document | |||||||
Stock structure hypotheses under consideration for the gray whale... | 15675 | Document | |||||||
Chair's Summary Part 2 - 21 May 2020 | 15678 | Document | |||||||
10.3 recommendations on the avoidance of sample depletion | 15681 | Document | |||||||
Comments by Peru to paper SC/68B/INFO/27 | 15684 | Document | |||||||
Status of the Icelandic whale DNA register | 15687 | Document | |||||||
NH Agenda | 15690 | Document | |||||||
An update of the Norwegian minke whale DNA register (May 7, 2020) | 15693 | Document | |||||||
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL REQUEST Chile-Peru CMP Workshop on Experience... | 15696 | Document | |||||||
Status update: North Atlantic right whales | 15699 | Document | |||||||
An update on the growth of whale watching in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador | 15702 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 10.1.2 Reference databases and standards for DNA... | 15705 | Document | |||||||
EM Draft Agenda | 15708 | Document | |||||||
Full Draft WW Report | 15711 | Document | |||||||
Recommendations to avoid sample depletion (excerpted from SC68a SDDNA... | 15714 | Document | |||||||
Report of the intersessional work on organizing the IWC-CMS joint... | 15717 | Document | |||||||
SH Draft Agenda | 15720 | Document | |||||||
10.3 recommendations on the avoidance of sample depletion | 15723 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Cetaceans and Ecosystem Functioning: A Gap... | 15726 | Document | |||||||
Executive Summary WMMC SRW | 15729 | Document | |||||||
NH Agenda | 15732 | Document | |||||||
Direct measures of the interactions between two baleen whale species... | 15735 | Document | |||||||
Draft Report Item 8.2.1 Non-Antarctic blue whales | 15738 | Document | |||||||
Status update: North Atlantic right whales | 15741 | Document | |||||||
IA Draft Agenda | 15744 | Document | |||||||
Draft Report Item 9.2.2 Antarctic blue whales | 15747 | Document | |||||||
EM Draft Agenda | 15750 | Document | |||||||
Status of a 'DNA register' for humpback whales in the North Pacific | 15753 | Document | |||||||
Draft Report Item 21.2 SORP | 15756 | Document | |||||||
Report of the intersessional work on organizing the IWC-CMS joint... | 15759 | Document | |||||||
Assessment modelling for an in-depth assessment of North Pacific sei... | 15762 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Cetaceans and Ecosystem Functioning: A Gap... | 15765 | Document | |||||||
Draft Report Item 8.2.3 SRW | 15768 | Document | |||||||
Intersessional progress with a North Pacific common minke whale... | 15771 | Document | |||||||
Direct measures of the interactions between two baleen whale species... | 15774 | Document | |||||||
Assignment of South Georgia catches between southeast Pacific blue... | 15777 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Intersessional Working Group on the Comprehensive... | 15780 | Document | |||||||
IA Draft Agenda | 15783 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Pygmy blue whale stock assessments | 15786 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Intersessional Correspondence Group on North Pacific sei... | 15789 | Document | |||||||
Status of a 'DNA register' for humpback whales in the North Pacific | 15792 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Blue whales... | 15795 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Essential computing support to the... | 15798 | Document | |||||||
Assessment modelling for an in-depth assessment of North Pacific sei... | 15801 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue 2021 | 15804 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Mixed-stock analysis and population... | 15807 | Document | |||||||
Intersessional progress with a North Pacific common minke whale... | 15810 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 8.4.1 Southern Hemisphere fin whales | 15813 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Second Workshop on the Comprehensive... | 15816 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Intersessional Working Group on the Comprehensive... | 15819 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Reconciling a long-term photo-id database... | 15822 | Document | |||||||
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL REQUEST: Workshop to Further the In-Depth Assessment... | 15825 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Intersessional Correspondence Group on North Pacific sei... | 15828 | Document | |||||||
WP13 Abundance table | 15831 | Document | |||||||
Statement by Japan regarding the assessment process of North Pacific... | 15834 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Essential computing support to the... | 15837 | Document | |||||||
WP14 PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Using bioacoustics to separate historic... | 15840 | Document | |||||||
ASI Agenda | 15843 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Mixed-stock analysis and population... | 15846 | Document | |||||||
WP15 - PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Acoustic occurrence and behaviour of... | 15849 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Steering Group of the IWC-POWER (North Pacific Ocean... | 15852 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Second Workshop on the Comprehensive... | 15855 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Assessing regional variation in Antarctic... | 15858 | Document | |||||||
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL REQUEST: Workshop to Further the In-Depth Assessment... | 15861 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section 1 – cetacean abundance estimates and stock status | 15864 | Document | |||||||
PH Draft Agenda | 15867 | Document | |||||||
Statement by Japan regarding the assessment process of North Pacific... | 15870 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section 2 – consideration of status of stocks | 15873 | Document | |||||||
HIM Draft Agenda | 15876 | Document | |||||||
ASI Agenda | 15879 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section 3 - IWC multinational research programmes etc. | 15882 | Document | |||||||
Draft Ship Strikes Workplan 2020-2022 | 15885 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Steering Group of the IWC-POWER (North Pacific Ocean... | 15888 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: pre-meeting of the abundance steering group | 15891 | Document | |||||||
Draft BMI workplan 2021-2014 | 15894 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section 1 – cetacean abundance estimates and stock status | 15897 | Document | |||||||
Draft text 21.1 IWC-POWER and co-operation with Japan | 15900 | Document | |||||||
Examining the use of the IWC consensus entanglement response data form:... | 15903 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section 2 – consideration of status of stocks | 15906 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - IWC-POWER cruise in 2021 including... | 15909 | Document | |||||||
Discussion on engagement with RFMOs outlined in HIM 04 and HIM 05 and... | 15912 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section 3 - IWC multinational research programmes etc. | 15915 | Document | |||||||
Reducing effort in the U.S. American lobster (Homarus americanus)... | 15918 | Document | |||||||
Draft SC Report ASI - all sections | 15921 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: pre-meeting of the abundance steering group | 15924 | Document | |||||||
Vessel strikes of large whales entered into the Progress Report... | 15927 | Document | |||||||
ASI Pre-Meeting Draft Agenda | 15930 | Document | |||||||
Draft text 21.1 IWC-POWER and co-operation with Japan | 15933 | Document | |||||||
Recommendations related to the Baltic harbour porpoise | 15936 | Document | |||||||
Summary of information on stocks with a view to formally assessing... | 15939 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - IWC-POWER cruise in 2021 including... | 15942 | Document | |||||||
Recommendations to tackle European cetacean bycatch | 15945 | Document | |||||||
Annex Q.. Report of the Standing Working Group on Abundance Estimates... | 15948 | Document | |||||||
Draft SC Report ASI - all sections | 15951 | Document | |||||||
Fishery bycatch of large whales entered into the Progress Report... | 15954 | Document | |||||||
Draft Agenda for SM | 15957 | Document | |||||||
ASI Pre-Meeting Draft Agenda | 15960 | Document | |||||||
Recommendations related to bycatch of Iberian harbour porpoise | 15963 | Document | |||||||
Sotalia guianensis pre-assessment workshop, 26-28 November 2019... | 15966 | Document | |||||||
Summary of information on stocks with a view to formally assessing... | 15969 | Document | |||||||
Progress on previous recommendations - Ship strikes - Item 13 | 15972 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: A Franciscana Survey in Uruguay – Overcoming... | 15975 | Document | |||||||
Annex Q.. Report of the Standing Working Group on Abundance Estimates... | 15978 | Document | |||||||
Draft Report Text - Agenda Item 12.3 Review mitigation measures for... | 15981 | Document | |||||||
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL REQUEST: Africa Sousa Workshop | 15984 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 13 Ship strikes | 15987 | Document | |||||||
Draft Agenda for SM | 15990 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.1 Review previous recommendations 1979-2017 | 15993 | Document | |||||||
Draft Recommendation on 12.3 (following discussion on Friday) | 15996 | Document | |||||||
Sotalia guianensis pre-assessment workshop, 26-28 November 2019... | 15999 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 1-Year Interim Workplan Draft | 16002 | Document | |||||||
SDDNA Draft Agenda | 16005 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: A Franciscana Survey in Uruguay – Overcoming... | 16008 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Indian Ocean humpback dolphin Sousa plumbea | 16011 | Document | |||||||
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL REQUEST: Africa Sousa Workshop | 16014 | Document | |||||||
Previous advice - excerpt from JCRM 16 (Supp) 2015 | 16017 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.5 Progress on South Asian River Dolphin Task Team | 16020 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.1 Review previous recommendations 1979-2017 | 16023 | Document | |||||||
Excerpt from SC/66b/SM5 | 16026 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.6 Small Cetacean Fund | 16029 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 1-Year Interim Workplan Draft | 16032 | Document | |||||||
Stock structure hypotheses under consideration for the gray whale... | 16035 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.2 Iberian harbour porpoise | 16038 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Indian Ocean humpback dolphin Sousa plumbea | 16041 | Document | |||||||
Status of the Icelandic whale DNA register | 16044 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Amazon river dolphin Mamirau Sustainable... | 16047 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.5 Progress on South Asian River Dolphin Task Team | 16050 | Document | |||||||
An update of the Norwegian minke whale DNA register (May 7, 2020) | 16053 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 16.4 Report on the Intersessional Workshop on the Guiana... | 16056 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.6 Small Cetacean Fund | 16059 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 10.1.2 Reference databases and standards for DNA... | 16062 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 16.5 Review of Direct Takes and Live Captures of Small... | 16065 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.2 Iberian harbour porpoise | 16068 | Document | |||||||
Recommendations to avoid sample depletion (excerpted from SC68a SDDNA... | 16071 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 16.3.2. Update on the Africa-Focused Sousa Task Team | 16074 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Amazon river dolphin Mamirau Sustainable... | 16077 | Document | |||||||
10.3 recommendations on the avoidance of sample depletion | 16080 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 16.1.3 Vaquita | 16083 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 16.4 Report on the Intersessional Workshop on the Guiana... | 16086 | Document | |||||||
NH Agenda | 16089 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 16.1 .8 Amazon River Dolphin | 16092 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 16.5 Review of Direct Takes and Live Captures of Small... | 16095 | Document | |||||||
Status update: North Atlantic right whales | 16098 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 16.1.7 Atlantic humpback dolphin | 16101 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 16.3.2. Update on the Africa-Focused Sousa Task Team | 16104 | Document | |||||||
EM Draft Agenda | 16107 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 16.1.7 Atlantic humpback dolphin | 16110 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 16.1.3 Vaquita | 16113 | Document | |||||||
Report of the intersessional work on organizing the IWC-CMS joint... | 16116 | Document |