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+/- | Thumbnail | Document Number | Full Title | Author | Publication Year | ID | Type | Extension | Tools |
Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel: Closing Statement | Randall Reeves, Greg Donovan and David Weller | 19476 | Document | |||||
Update on the Eastern North Pacific Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus)... | Deborah Fauquier, Stephen Raverty, Paul Cottrell, Sean MacConnachie... | 19475 | Document | |||||
Gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) migratory movements between the... | S. Mart?nez-Aguilar, J. Urb?n R., D. Weller, O. Tyurneva. A. Bradford... | 19480 | Document | |||||
Two gray whale sightings off Hawai?i Island: the first records for the... | Robin W. Baird, Jesse James, Cpt. Chad Mata, Marc Hughes | 19484 | Document | |||||
Gray whale abundance in Laguna San Ignacio and Bah?a Magdalena lagoon... | J. Urb?n R., S. Mart?nez-Aguilar L. Viloria-G?mora and S.L. Swartz | 19477 | Document | |||||
Photo-identification Catalogue of Western Gray Whales 1994-2001 | Alexander M. Burdin and David W. Weller | 19473 | Document | |||||
Sightings of whales in the Northern Arabian Sea along the coast of... | Muhammed Moazzam and Rab Nawaz | 19486 | Document | |||||
Gray whale stranding records in Mexico... | S. Mart?nez-Aguilar, A. Gonz?lez-Cisneros, M. Valerio-Conchas... | 19479 | Document | |||||
Gray whale?s body condition in Laguna San Ignacio, BCS... | M. Valerio-Conchas, S. Mart?nez-Aguilar, S.L. Swartz and J. Urb?n R. | 19481 | Document | |||||
Oman Cetacean Research and Conservation Activities Status Update 2022 | Andrew Willson, Karthik Ashok, Robert Baldwin, Salvatore Cerchio... | 19478 | Document | |||||
Assessment of Southern Right whale (Eubalaena australis) acoustic... | CONSTANZA ROJAS-CERDA, SUSANNAH BUCHAN, BARBARA GALLETTI VERNAZZANI... | 19488 | Document | |||||
Status Report of Conservation and Research on the western North Pacific... | Gen Nakamura, Tekeru Iida, Hideyoshi Yoshida, Taiki Katsumata... | 19482 | Document | |||||
Abundance estimation of franciscana dolphins by means of aerial surveys... | Enrique A. Crespo, Magdalena Arias, Nicol?s Sueyro... | 19472 | Document | |||||
Gray whale research in 2021 Off Northeastern Sakhalin Island and... | Alexander M. Burdin, Olga Sychenko and Anastasiya Kunitsa | 19474 | Document | |||||
Population dynamics of southern right whales at Pen?nsula Vald?s and... | Enrique A. Crespo, Mariano A. Coscarella, Magdalena Arias... | 19487 | Document | |||||
IWC Eastern South Pacific Southern Right Whale Conservation Management... | B?rbara Galletti Vernazzani | 19483 | Document | |||||
Progress report from the Arabian Sea Whale Network | G. Minton, R.C. Anderson, R. Baldwin, Y. Bohadi, S. Cerchio, T. Collins... | 19485 | Document |