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+/- | Thumbnail | Document Number | Full Title | Author | Publication Year | ID | Type | Extension | Tools |
5408 | Document | |||||||
Common minke whale abundance estimates based on dedicated sighting... | Takashi Hakamada, Taiki Katsumata, Megumi Takahashi and Koji Matsuoka | 10947 | Document | ||||||
5975 | Document | |||||||
SH - Summary of time and budget calculation for SHBWC | . | 2018 | 9228 | Document | ||||
4696 | Document | |||||||
CMP_DraftSCReport | 16725 | Document | |||||||
Draft CMP Report - 22 May 2020 | 16632 | Document | |||||||
5380 | Document | |||||||
5375 | Document | |||||||
4911 | Document | |||||||
Advance Distribution of Scientific Committee Papers | IWC | 2000 | 9885 | Document | ||||
4957 | Document | |||||||
IA - Second Workshop on the Comprehensive Assessment of North Pacific... | . | 2018 | 9180 | Document | ||||
PH_DraftSCRep | 16854 | Document | |||||||
Summary of the time trends of some biological parameters of the North... | H. Maeda, Y. Ishikawa and H. Kato | 2019 | 12081 | Document | ||||
6452 | Document | |||||||
5644 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Report of the Steering Group of the IWC-POWER (North Pacific Ocean... | 16677 | Document | |||||||
SH - Southern right whale catch series workshop | . | 2018 | 9210 | Document | ||||
5270 | Document | |||||||
4780 | Document | |||||||
589 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 1-Year Interim Workplan Draft | 16398 | Document | |||||||
A gray whale stranded in Manazuru, Kanagawa, Japan in 2019 | Tadasu K. Yamada, Hajime Taru, Daiki Katooka, Sumi Miyuki... | 2019 | 11961 | Document | ||||
4692 | Document | |||||||
1143 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IA-DraftSCRep | 16746 | Document | |||||||
6111 | Document | |||||||
E_DraftSCReport (except 14.1 -14.3) | 16701 | Document | |||||||
E - IWC Strandings Initiative - emergency response and investigations | 16512 | Document | |||||||
title | IWC | 2002 | 12801 | Document | ||||
Preparation for the JARPN Review | IWC | 1999 | 9975 | Document | ||||
5571 | Document | |||||||
983 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
stewart test | st | 2019 | 10149 | Document | ||||
Genetic data reveal mixed-stock assemblages of gray whales... | Anna Brunche-Olsen, Jorge Urban R., Vladimir V. Vertyankin... | 2018 | 9288 | Document | ||||
CMP Draft Agenda | 16548 | Document | |||||||
ASW-DraftSCRep | 16626 | Document | |||||||
IWC | 2017 | 6788 | Document | |||||
5353 | Document | |||||||
653 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
5230 | Document | |||||||
EM - Cetaceans and Ecosystem Functioning - a gap analysis - UPDATE MAY 2020 | 16422 | Document | |||||||
IWC | 2017 | 6818 | Document | |||||
6067 | Document | |||||||
Improving our understanding of aquatic wild meat: database requirements... | Daniel J. Ingram and Isabel C. Avila | 2018 | 9405 | Document | ||||
State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER) 2018 | M. Stachowitsch, N.A. Rose, and E.C.M. Parsons | 2018 | 8946 | Document | ||||
Report of the Intersessional Correspondence Group on Drafting an... | G.H. Givens (Chair), C. Allison, G. Donovan, J.C. George, J. Scordino... | 2018 | 8937 | Document | ||||
The Arabian Sea Whale Network: A brief progress report | Gianna Minton, Marina Antonopoulou | 2018 | 8844 | Document | ||||
6080 | Document | |||||||
1149 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Ecosystem modeling in the western North Pacific using Ecopath... | Shingo Watari, Hiroto Murase, Shiroh Yonezaki, Makoto Okazaki... | 10857 | Document | ||||||
5575 | Document | |||||||
3288 | Document | |||||||
IWC66 day 2 | IWC | 2016 | 9738 | Audio | MP3 | ||||
JARPA Research Plan from Japan | IWC | 2001 | 1887 | Document | ||||
4898 | Document | |||||||
On evaluation trials for West Greenland minke whales | Lars Witting | 2018 | 8928 | Document | ||||
5331 | Document | |||||||
4682 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT 16.3.2. Update on the Africa-Focused Sousa Task Team | 16470 | Document | |||||||
title | IWC | 2002 | 12792 | Document | ||||
5434 | Document | |||||||
4742 | Document | |||||||
List of Participants | IWC | 2018 | 7583 | Document | ||||
3505 | Document | |||||||
3565 | Document | |||||||
3313 | Document | |||||||
Germany - Progress Report Summary 2018 | . | 2018 | 8739 | Document | ||||
Agenda | IWC | 2018 | 7483 | Document | ||||
Outcome and follow-up to the Annual Commission Meeting in Ulsan | IWC | 2005 | 3200 | Document | ||||
989 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
4748 | Document | |||||||
6431 | Document | |||||||
5491 | Document | |||||||
IWC66 day 1 | IWC | 2016 | 9714 | Audio | MP3 | ||||
EM_DraftSCRep | 16581 | Document | |||||||
title | IWC | 2002 | 12762 | Document | ||||
4834 | Document | |||||||
Scientific Committee Meetig Draft Agenda | IWC | 2001 | 9855 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2017 | 6817 | Document | |||||
6427 | Document | |||||||
827 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
PH - Ongoing database hosting by Secretariat | . | 2018 | 9237 | Document | ||||
54th Annual Meeting, Shimonoseki, Japan Timetable for Meetings | IWC | 2001 | 1888 | Document | ||||
Report of the Intersessional Correspondence Group on North Pacific Sei... | 16686 | Document | |||||||
IA - Assessment modelling for an in-depth assessment of North Pacific... | . | 2018 | 9183 | Document | ||||
IWC66 day 3 | IWC | 2016 | 9762 | Audio | MP3 | ||||
Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Stock of Bowhead Whales: 2006–2017 Satellite... | Lori Quakenbush, John Citta, John C. George, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen... | 2018 | 8892 | Document | ||||
6460 | Document | |||||||
609 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
CMP - Workshop on the IWC Conservation Management Plan for the Southern... | 16383 | Document | |||||||
Cooperation with Other Organisations | IWC | 2019 | 12156 | Document | ||||
Report of the SM SD Joint Intersessional Workshop: resolving Tursiops... | IWC | 2018 | 9114 | Document | ||||
6062 | Document | |||||||
5580 | Document | |||||||
ASW-DraftSCRep | 16851 | Document | |||||||
E - Compilation of the State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)... | 16791 | Document | |||||||
IWC66 day 1 | IWC | 2016 | 9726 | Audio | MP3 | ||||
SH - Antarctic blue whale catalogue comparison of new photographs from... | . | 2018 | 9219 | Document | ||||
Presence of mercury in river dolphins (Inia and Sotalia) in the Amazon... | Mosquera-Guerra, F., Trujillo F., Parks, D., Oliveira-da-Costa, M.... | 2018 | 8949 | Document | ||||
6070 | Document | |||||||
3373 | Document | |||||||
Secretariat | 2018 | 7010 | Document | |||||
5276 | Document | |||||||
969 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
CMP - Workshop to develop a proposal to a Conservation Management Plan... | 16773 | Document | |||||||
Report on the Research Fund Financial Position | Katie Penfold | 2019 | 12147 | Document | ||||
Update on New Zealand dolphins and fisheries | Elisabeth Slooten, Stephen Dawson, Thomas Brough | 2019 | 12072 | Document | ||||
Final conclusions of the JARPNII research based on refined analyses and... | Tsutomu Tamura, Hideyoshi Yoshida, Genta Yasunaga... | 10725 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Conservation Management Plan for Franciscana (Pontoporia... | Miguel Iñíguez Bessega | 2019 | 11940 | Document | ||||
4687 | Document | |||||||
Japanese Research Plans in the Antarctic and North Pacific | IWC | 1998 | 1858 | Document | ||||
5233 | Document | |||||||
54th Annual and Associated Meetings, Shimonoseki, Japan... | IWC | 2002 | 1895 | Document | ||||
Japanese Research Programme in the North Pacific | IWC | 1998 | 1860 | Document | ||||
Marine mammals used as bait with improvised Fish Aggregating Devices in... | Cristina Castro, Diana Cardenas, Gregory Kaufman and Koen Van Waerebeek | 2018 | 9396 | Document | ||||
4736 | Document | |||||||
Draft SC Report ASI - all sections | 16311 | Document | |||||||
Scientific Committee Draft Agenda for IWC/54 and related issues | IWC | 2002 | 9696 | Document | ||||
4912 | Document | |||||||
3525 | Document | |||||||
938 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Seafari A global and free app to report marine mammal sightings and... | Alex Vogel, Vic Cockcroft and Els Vermeulen | 2019 | 12330 | Document | ||||
4836 | Document | |||||||
4735 | Document | |||||||
55th Annual and Associated Meetings, Berlin, Germany, May/June 2003 | IWC | 2002 | 1905 | Document | ||||
SOCER_DraftSCRep | 16629 | Document | |||||||
IWC66 day 2 | IWC | 2016 | 9741 | Audio | MP3 | ||||
Bowhead whale calves in the western Beaufort Sea, 2012-2017 | Janet Clarke, Megan Ferguson, Amelia Brower, and Amy Willoughby | 2018 | 8889 | Document | ||||
5224 | Document | |||||||
4857 | Document | |||||||
4787 | Document | |||||||
SH - Assessing regional variation in Antarctic blue whale regional song... | 16749 | Document | |||||||
932 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IST_DraftSCRep | 16839 | Document | |||||||
Summary of small cetacean threats and research activities in Senegal | IWC | 2019 | 12390 | Document | ||||
Reactions and answers to two papers by McKinlay, de la Mare and Welsh | Celine Cunen, Lars Walloe and Nils Lid Hjort | 2018 | 9012 | Document | ||||
Gray whale research off northeastern Sakhalin Island and eastern... | Alexander M. Burdin, Olga Sychenko, Matvey Mamaev | 2018 | 8835 | Document | ||||
IWC66 day 1 | IWC | 2016 | 9729 | Audio | MP3 | ||||
Recent advances in whale watching research: 2017 to 2020 | E.C.M. Parsons and Courtney E. Smith | 2018 | 9441 | Document | ||||
616 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Marine litter: One of the major threats for marine mammals. Outcomes... | Cristina Panti, Matteo Baini, Amy Lusher, Gema Hernandez-Milan... | 10764 | Document | ||||||
On a way forward for the Scientific Committee given Japan’s withdrawal... | Suydam, Zerbini, Donovan, Bjørge, Brownell, Diallo, Iñiguez, Lent... | 11640 | Document | ||||||
3511 | Document | |||||||
CMP - Passive Acoustic Monitoring of the Eastern South Pacific Southern... | 16395 | Document | |||||||
CMP - Passive Acoustic Monitoring of the Eastern South Pacific Southern... | 16767 | Document | |||||||
An assessment of cetacean bycatches... | Collins, T., Van Waerebeek, K., Carvalho, I., Boumba, R., Dilambaka, E.... | 2019 | 12297 | Document | ||||
Updated application of a photo-identification based assessment model to... | A. Brandao, E. Vermuelen and D. Butterworth | 2019 | 12240 | Document | ||||
HIM_DraftSCReport | 16728 | Document | |||||||
Report of Intersessional Correspondence Group on North Pacific Humpback... | 16659 | Document | |||||||
A Joint IWC-IUCN-ACCOBAMS workshop to evaluate how the data and process... | Aneesh Sharma, Alfredo Sfeir and Olivier Chassot | 2019 | 12030 | Document | ||||
4781 | Document | |||||||
India | IWC | 2018 | 7129 | Document | ||||
Subsistence harvest of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) by Alaskan... | Robert Suydam, John C. George, Brian T. Person, Raphaela Stimmelmayr... | 2019 | 11877 | Document | ||||
4845 | Document | |||||||
Results of satellite monitored tagging experiments on North Pacific sei... | Kenji Konishi, Tatsuya Isoda, Takeharu Bando... | 2018 | 9261 | Document | ||||
6027 | Document | |||||||
Summary and recommendations from Benin | IWC | 2019 | 12399 | Document | ||||
Draft Document List | International Whaling Commission | 2018 | 9018 | Document | ||||
4844 | Document | |||||||
6036 | Document | |||||||
4883 | Document | |||||||
Denmark - Progress Report Summary 2018 | . | 2018 | 8721 | Document | ||||
NH - Workshop, Comparative biology, health... | . | 2018 | 9234 | Document | ||||
3534 | Document | |||||||
Level of Press ad Observer Fees for 2012-2013 (Secretariat) | IWC | 2012 | 3410 | Document | ||||
The Ocean Modelling Forum Working Group on the Marine Mammal Protection... | Andre E. Punt, Tessa B. Francis, Margaret Siple and Rob Williams | 2019 | 12075 | Document | ||||
Spain - Progress Report Summary 2018 | . | 2018 | 8709 | Document | ||||
6456 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section 3 - IWC multinational research programmes etc. | 16275 | Document | |||||||
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL REQUEST: Workshop on the IWC Conservation Management... | 16218 | Document | |||||||
4859 | Document | |||||||
4786 | Document | |||||||
4779 | Document | |||||||
949 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Franciscana assessment workshop | 16611 | Document | |||||||
1391 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IST - Workshop to complete the updating of the IUCN/IWC CMP on western... | 16797 | Document | |||||||
5394 | Document | |||||||
618 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
ASW-DraftSCRep | 16638 | Document | |||||||
914 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
54th Annual and Associated Meetings, Shimonoseki, Japan, April/May 2002 | IWC | 2002 | 1893 | Document | ||||
1795 | Document | |||||||
934 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Sustainable Whale and Dolphin... | Adam Clark, Hilary Anderson, Suzi Heaton | 2018 | 9435 | Document | ||||
6117 | Document | |||||||
5379 | Document | |||||||
1297 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: Assessment of Arabian Sea humpback body... | 16566 | Document | |||||||
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL REQUEST: Workshop to Develop a Proposal to a... | 16227 | Document | |||||||
Croatia - Progress Report Summary 2018 | . | 2018 | 8688 | Document | ||||
6453 | Document | |||||||
6448 | Document | |||||||
5982 | Document | |||||||
5388 | Document | |||||||
1393 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
1302 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
4734 | Document | |||||||
4626 | Document | |||||||
Draft Agenda for SM | 16350 | Document | |||||||
5586 | Document | |||||||
Bowhead whale carcasses in the eastern Chukchi and western Beaufort... | Amy Willoughby, Janet Clarke, Megan Ferguson, Raphaela Stimmelmayr... | 2018 | 8886 | Document | ||||
3478 | Document | |||||||
1272 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
CMP - Research on and Monitoring of Endangered Western North Pacific... | 16833 | Document | |||||||
4741 | Document | |||||||
3574 | Document | |||||||
6857 | Document | |||||||
5968 | Document | |||||||
53rd Annual Meeting and Associated Meetings, London, July 2001 | IWC | 2001 | 1877 | Document | ||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: Songs of Arabian Sea humpback whales off the... | 16575 | Document | |||||||
Towards ship strike mitigation in the Canary Islands | Fabian Ritter, Natacha Aguilar de Soto and Vidal Martín | 2019 | 12051 | Document | ||||
HIM - Progressing the development and use of the IWC Ship Strikes Database | 16545 | Document | |||||||
974 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Crew based observer programme of WWF-Pakistan – A source of data... | Muhammad Moazzam | 2019 | 12045 | Document | ||||
6029 | Document | |||||||
SH - Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue 2012 | 16713 | Document | |||||||
CMS Family guidelines on environmental impact assessments for marine... | Heidrun Frisch-Nwakanma | 2018 | 8973 | Document | ||||
5628 | Document | |||||||
Genetic analyses on stock structure of fin whales in the Indo Pacific... | Mutsuo Goto and Mioko Taguchi | 2019 | 12249 | Document | ||||
5401 | Document | |||||||
Use of the IWC Database of Recommendations by the Scientific Committee | Sarah Ferriss, Jemma Jones and Sarah Smith | 11544 | Document | ||||||
Italy - Progress Report Summary 2018 | . | 2018 | 8715 | Document | ||||
6863 | Document | |||||||