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+/- | Thumbnail | Document Number | Full Title | Author | Publication Year | ID | Type | Extension | Tools |
TANZANIA WHALE NETWORK January 2019 Newsletter | 2018 Report of Sightings - Gill Braulik and Danielle Stern | 10743 | Document | ||||||
Aerial surveys for Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis)... | Helena Herr, Natalie Kelly, Boris Dorschel, Marcus Huntemann... | 10812 | Document | ||||||
Abundance of the Eastern Chukchi Sea stock of Beluga whales, 2012-2017 | G. H. Givens, M.C. Ferguson, J.T. Clarke, A. Willoughby, A. Brower... | 10932 | Document | ||||||
SM Draft Report - Item 7.1 | . | 11097 | Document | ||||||
SH Draft Report - Item 4 | . | 11265 | Document | ||||||
HIM Draft Report - NZ dolphin spatial risk assessment | . | 11319 | Document | ||||||
2019 Gray whale abundance in Laguna San Ignacio and Bahía Magdalena... | 10305 | Document | |||||||
Aboriginal subsistence whaling in the Russian Federation during 2018 | Kirill A. Zharikov, Dennis I Litovka and Egor V. Vereshagin | 10419 | Document | ||||||
Further Geneland analyses of the Japanese microsatellite DNA dataset on... | A. Rus Hoelzel and Menno de Jong | 10569 | Document | ||||||
Suggestion for way forward on mitigation of the threat from PCBs -... | . | 11382 | Document | ||||||
Arabian Sea Humpbacks | . | 11529 | Document | ||||||
SAN Agenda | . | 11349 | Document | ||||||
5942 | Document | |||||||
Genbank paragraph | . | 11442 | Document | ||||||
1756 | Document | |||||||
1757 | Document | |||||||
IWC Eastern South Pacific Southern Right Whale Conservation Management... | Barbara Galletti Vernazzani | 10518 | Document | ||||||
Proposed update of Table 3 in SC/67b/ASI14 | J. Cooke and S. Mizrcoch | 11037 | Document | ||||||
Population structure of North Atlantic and North Pacific sei whales... | Huijser, L. A. E., M. Bérubé, N. Kanda, L. A. Pastene, M. Goto... | 10728 | Document | ||||||
More evidence of unsustainable dolphin-watching practices in Bocas del... | Ashley S.M.Sitar Soller and E.C.M. Parsons | 10890 | Document | ||||||
Budget Table | . | 11646 | Document | ||||||
US Management Efforts to Recover North Atlantic Right Whales | 14085 | Document | |||||||
IWC Eastern South Pacific Southern Right Whale Conservation Management... | 10221 | Document | |||||||
7th Progress report on IWC ship strike data coordination – April 2019 | Fabian Ritter and Simone Panigada | 10614 | Document | ||||||
Assessment of cortisol concentration in baleens of gray whales... | Naidenko S.V., Klyuchnikova P.S. and Litovka, D.I. | 10905 | Document | ||||||
Agenda SC68A | . | 10992 | Document | ||||||
Agenda for the Standing Working Group on Abundance Estimates... | . | 11133 | Document | ||||||
Terms of Referece for intersessional work on g(0) correction for the... | . | 11160 | Document | ||||||
RV Maria S. Merian cruise FINWAP - a dedicated IWC-SORP fin whale... | Helena Herr, Simone Panigada, Anna Panasiuk, Jen Jackson, Paula Olson... | 11208 | Document | ||||||
SP Draft Agenda | . | 11559 | Document | ||||||
ASW Draft Report | . | 11571 | Document | ||||||
1771 | Document | |||||||
The Southwestern Atlantic Southern Right Whale... | 10338 | Document | |||||||
Requirements and Guidelines for Conducting Surveys JCRM Suppl 13 pp507-518 | . | 11028 | Document | ||||||
Recommendations from IMR/NAMMCO Report Atlantic Harbour Porpoise... | . | 11082 | Document | ||||||
Review of recommendations | . | 11589 | Document | ||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.6 Small Cetacean Fund | 16029 | Document | |||||||
5841 | Document | |||||||
Annex M Report of the Sub-Committee on Small Cetaceans (uploaded at... | . | 11772 | Document | ||||||
Direct measures of the interactions between two baleen whale species... | 15735 | Document | |||||||
Cruise Report of the New Scientific Whale Research Program in the... | Kenji Konishi, Kazuyoshi Nakai, Jun Kanbayashi, Kengo Umeda... | 10716 | Document | ||||||
Long-term monitoring of marine mammal strandings reveals the importance... | Hélène Peltier, Alain Beaufils, Catherine Cesarini, Willy Dabin... | 10611 | Document | ||||||
Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis)... | Claire Charlton, Rhianne Ward, Robert D. McCauley... | 10839 | Document | ||||||
Summary of the IWC Bycatch Mitigation Initiative’s Workshop, Nairobi... | . | 11283 | Document | ||||||
Spain - Progress Report Summary | Begoña Santos | 11664 | Document | ||||||
SM Chair's Summary (uploaded at 14.55 on 22/05/19) | . | 11736 | Document | ||||||
Report of the intersessional work on organizing the IWC-CMS joint... | 16116 | Document | |||||||
1743 | Document | |||||||
Some additional single-stock North Pacific sei whale models | Andre E. Punt | 11481 | Document | ||||||
Statements related to Item 9.1.2 (North Pacific sei whale Comprehensive... | . | 11655 | Document | ||||||
HIM Draft Report - Item 3. Ship Strikes | . | 11307 | Document | ||||||
Netherlands - Progress Report Summary | Meike Scheidat | 11673 | Document | ||||||
Eastern North Pacific gray whale calf production estimates 1994-2018 | David W. Weller and Wayne L. Perryman | 10554 | Document | ||||||
Procedures for Submission, Review and Validation of Abundance Estimates | G. Givens, A. Zerbini and G. Donovan | 11625 | Document | ||||||
Argentina - Progress Report Summary | Miguel Iñíguez | 11691 | Document | ||||||
Oman research update; documenting cetacean diversity and blue whale... | Andrew Willson, Gianna Minton, Tim Collins, Suaad al Harthi... | 10527 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Fourth Workshop on Large Whale Entanglement Issues Paper... | IWC | 10788 | Document | ||||||
Report of the 2018 meeting of the IWC-POWER Technical Advisory Group (TAG) | IWC | 10956 | Document | ||||||
List of Participants | . | 10998 | Document | ||||||
Marine Mammal Bycatch in South Africa: Request for guidance towards... | Mduduzi Seakamela | 11289 | Document | ||||||
Eastern North Pacific gray whale calf production estimates 1994-2018 | 10257 | Document | |||||||
Status report of conservation and researches on the Western North... | Gen Nakamura, Hideyoshi Yoshida, Ryota Terai, Kenji Konishi... | 10509 | Document | ||||||
Investigation of a mass stranding of 68 short-beaked common dolphins in... | MARCELA M. UHART, ENRIQUE A. CRESPO, MARÍA FLORENCIA GRANDI... | 10650 | Document | ||||||
Focused model selection for linear mixed models with an application to... | Celine Cunen, Lars Walloe and Nils Lid Hjort | 10680 | Document | ||||||
Right whales in South Georgia/Islas Georgias del Sur waters 2018/19 | Jennifer Jackson | 11511 | Document | ||||||
CMP Chair's Summary (uploaded at 13.45 on 22/05/2019) | . | 11733 | Document | ||||||
SH - Databases (Galletti) Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue:... | . | 11796 | Document | ||||||
Comparing the Proposed Mixing Matrices for North Pacific Minke Whale... | C.L. de Moor, C. Allison and A.E. Punt | 10980 | Document | ||||||
Conservation Management Plans: outcomes of the mid-term review and... | 10275 | Document | |||||||
Marked phylogeographic differentiation of sei whale based on... | Maria Jose Perez-Alvarez, Francisca Rodriguez, Sebastian Kraft... | 10482 | Document | ||||||
Information for Participants | . | 11007 | Document | ||||||
Checklist for SWG review of abundance estimates | J. Cooke and S. Mizroch | 11046 | Document | ||||||
IA Draft Agenda | . | 11469 | Document | ||||||
IA Draft Report - Items 3, 5 and 6 | . | 11499 | Document | ||||||
1758 | Document | |||||||
The Southwestern Atlantic Southern Right Whale... | 10209 | Document | |||||||
Some ideas for topics to be addressed during the planned noise... | Leaper, Collins, Hubbell, Iniguez, Rojas-Bracho, Reyes Reyes, Sirovic... | 11394 | Document | ||||||
Summary of the time to time trends of some biological parameters of the... | . | 11490 | Document | ||||||
Appendix 1 – Hector’s and Māui Dolphin Threat Management Plan Review... | Barbara Taylor, Mike Lonergan, Randall Reeves | 10887 | Document | ||||||
IST Draft Report - Bryde's whales | ... | 10989 | Document | ||||||
1769 | Document | |||||||
The distribution of whales in the northern Arabian Sea along the coast... | 10290 | Document | |||||||
SH Draft Report - Item 3 | . | 11250 | Document | ||||||
Strandings of Costa Rica 2004 to 2019: from bacterial genetics to... | Gabriela Hernandez Mora... | 11385 | Document | ||||||
Schedule of papers to discuss 14-15 May 2019 | . | 11520 | Document | ||||||
5940 | Document | |||||||
IST Draft annotated agenda | Greg Donovan | 10968 | Document | ||||||
Checklist of items for evaluating model-based assessments | Andre Punt | 11031 | Document | ||||||
The SouSA Consortium: Protecting South Africa´s Indian Ocean humpback... | E. Vermeulen, S. Atkins, T. Bouveroux, W. Chivell, V. Cockcroft... | 10689 | Document | ||||||
Status of the Icelandic Whale DNA Register | Christophe Pampoulie and Gisli A. Vikingsson | 11424 | Document | ||||||
An update of the Norwegian minke whale DNA register | Hans J. Skaug | 11430 | Document | ||||||
SH - Modelling/Computing (Kelly) Exploration of survey methods and... | . | 11790 | Document | ||||||
From Competition to Collaboration: Automated Identification of Right... | Christin Khan, Jason Holmberg, Philip Hamilton, Heather Petis... | 11217 | Document | ||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Assessing regional variation in Antarctic... | 15858 | Document | |||||||
Oman research update; documenting cetacean diversity and blue whale... | 10293 | Document | |||||||
The distribution of whales in the northern Arabian Sea along the coast... | 10227 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Joint U.S. Office of Naval Research... | IWC, NOAA, ONR | 10962 | Document | ||||||
Table of Accepted Abundance Estimates by the ASI Group in 2017 and 2018 | IWC | 11040 | Document | ||||||
SDDNA Draft Report - Item 2 - DNA testing | . | 11457 | Document | ||||||
Mexico - Progress Report Summary | Gustavo Cardenas Hinojosa | 11676 | Document | ||||||
Draft Report - for review | . | 11466 | Document | ||||||
Multi-stakeholder collaboration yields valuable data for cetacean... | G. Minton, J.R. Kema Kema, A. Todd, L. Korte, P.B. Maganga... | 10776 | Document | ||||||
Conservation Management Plans: outcomes of the mid-term review and... | 10215 | Document | |||||||
Republic of Korea - Progress Report Summary | Hyun Woo Kim | 11694 | Document | ||||||
New Commissioner for Nauru | IWC | 2024 | 22002 | Document | ||||
1747 | Document | |||||||
1777 | Document | |||||||
North Atlantic Humpback Whale Catalog: overview of current holdings | Lindsey Jones | 10437 | Document | ||||||
Further analyses to separate pygmy blue whale catches by population | Branch, Monnahan, Širovic, Balcazar, Barlow, Cerchio, Double, Gavrilov... | 10503 | Document | ||||||
5915 | Document | |||||||
Gray whale research off northeastern Sakhalin Island and eastern... | Alexander M. Burdin, Olga Sychenko and Matvey Mamaev | 10551 | Document | ||||||
HIM Draft Report - Bycatch | . | 11313 | Document | ||||||
Developing recommendations for genomic approaches to maximise utility... | Group ICG-2 | 11433 | Document | ||||||
Eastern North Pacific gray whale calf production estimates 1994-2018 | 10320 | Document | |||||||
The Kenya Marine Mammal Network: cetacean research and citizen science | 10395 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Eleventh meeting of the Comitee Internacional para la ... | Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho | 10683 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Expert Workshop on Means and Methods for Reducing Marine... | FAO | 10758 | Document | ||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.2 Iberian harbour porpoise | 16038 | Document | |||||||
1763 | Document | |||||||
Morphometric analysis of Chilean blue whales and implications for their... | L.A. Pastene, J. Acevedo and T. Branch | 10851 | Document | ||||||
CMP Draft Report - Gray whales | . | 11535 | Document | ||||||
Draft report section - 16.2 Poorly documented hunts of small cetaceans... | 16149 | Document | |||||||
1776 | Document | |||||||
Map of the Hotel | . | 11004 | Document | ||||||
Oman research update; documenting cetacean diversity and blue whale... | 10230 | Document | |||||||
Cruise Report of the New Scientific Whale Research Program in the... | Isoda, T., Ito, N., Shimetani, K., Nakamura, G., Kumagai, S., Takahashi... | 10719 | Document | ||||||
Final Report of the First Intersessional Workshop on the Implementation... | . | 10965 | Document | ||||||
1733 | Document | |||||||
Update on the development of a permanent blue whale song reference library | Ana Sirovic | 11220 | Document | ||||||
Terminology | . | 11448 | Document | ||||||
HIM Chair's Summary (uploaded at 08.10 on 22/05/2019) | . | 11724 | Document | ||||||
Update of Sotalia guianensis Workshop Intersessional Groups | Camila Domit | 11061 | Document | ||||||
A Bayesian approach for estimating eastern North Pacific gray whale... | 13884 | Document | |||||||
Status report of conservation and researches on the Western North... | 10212 | Document | |||||||
Cetacean rapid assessment: An approach to fill knowledge gaps and... | Gill T. Braulik Magreth Kasuga Anja Wittich Jeremy J. Kiszka Jamie... | 10740 | Document | ||||||
Supplementary materials to assist consideration of the proposed East... | Lars Witting | 10977 | Document | ||||||
SC/67B/ASI4 Report of the intersessional email group on ASI | . | 11022 | Document | ||||||
E - Meetings/Workshops Cetacean Diseases of Concern – Morbillivirus... | . | 11808 | Document | ||||||
IWC Strandings Initiative Guidance for International Training and... | K.A. Stockin, S. Mazzariol, N. Chansue, R. Deaville, D. Grover... | 10638 | Document | ||||||
Stranding of beaked whales along the Santa Cruz province... | M.A. Iñíguez Bessega, M. Hevia, Frank Cipriano, J. Belgrano, M. Failla... | 10662 | Document | ||||||
1749 | Document | |||||||
New information on the gray whale migratory movements between the... | J. Urbán R., D. Weller, S. Martínez A., O. Tyurneva, A. Bradford... | 10536 | Document | ||||||
Draft Report - Item 2 - Pollution | . | 11397 | Document | ||||||
Modelling the drift of bycaught dolphin stranded carcasses help... | Hélène Peltier, Willy Dabin, Cécile Dars, Fabien Demaret... | 10605 | Document | ||||||
Population Assessment Update for Sakhalin Gray Whales | Juston G. Cooke, Olya Sychenko, Alexander M. Burdin, David W. Weller... | 11523 | Document | ||||||
Excerpt from SC/66b/SM5 | 16026 | Document | |||||||
Draft E Report - Item 3 - Diseases of Concern | . | 11409 | Document | ||||||
10.3 recommendations on the avoidance of sample depletion | 16080 | Document | |||||||
Draft E Report - Items 6.3 and 6.4 | . | 11400 | Document | ||||||
Draft E Report - Item 6.1 - Marine Debris | . | 11406 | Document | ||||||
An update of the Japanese DNA register for large whales | Mutsuo Goto, Hiroyuki Oikawa and Mioko Taguchi | 11427 | Document | ||||||
4638 | Document | |||||||
Ship strike risk mitigation by Antarctic Expedition Tourism vessels | Cheeseman, Lynnes and Kelly | 11277 | Document | ||||||
1712 | Document | |||||||
5918 | Document | |||||||
1739 | Document | |||||||
Long-term monitoring of marine mammal strandings reveals the importance... | Hélène Peltier, Alain Beaufils, Catherine Cesarini, Willy Dabin... | 10815 | Document | ||||||
Draft E Report - Item 5 - Noise | . | 11403 | Document | ||||||
Diagnosability of mtDNA with Random Forests: Using sequence data to... | F.I. Archer, K.K. Martien and B.L. Taylor | 10833 | Document | ||||||
Estimation of population trajectories from fitting population models to... | Justin Cooke | 11025 | Document | ||||||
Report on the Research Fund Financial Position | Katie Penfold | 11556 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Expert Panel of the Final Review on the Western North... | . | 11148 | Document | ||||||
Summary of information received on ASW catches in 2018 | Cherry Allison | 11568 | Document | ||||||
NH Chair's Summary (uploaded at 17:45 on 20/05/2019) | . | 11709 | Document | ||||||
The Kenya Marine Mammal Network: cetacean research and citizen science | 10272 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 8.4.1 Southern Hemisphere fin whales | 15813 | Document | |||||||
The Intersessional Steering Group SG-32 | . | 11391 | Document | ||||||
Summary of information on stocks with a view to formally assessing... | 15939 | Document | |||||||
Arrangements for Next Meetings (Secretariat) | 3392 | Document | ||||||
The occurrence of trichinellosis in gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus)... | Bukina, L.A., Skurihin, L.E., Lobovikov, S.V. and Litovka, D.I. | 10899 | Document | ||||||
IST Draft Report - except Bryde's | . | 10986 | Document | ||||||
5943 | Document | |||||||
Outline of a research program to investigate the abundance... | Government of Japan | 10929 | Document | ||||||
E Draft Agenda | .. | 11373 | Document | ||||||
Vocal behaviour of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in eastern Fram... | 14076 | Document | |||||||
5919 | Document | |||||||
The Southwestern Atlantic Southern Right Whale... | 10260 | Document | |||||||
Visual Health Assessment and evaluation of Anthropogenic threats to... | 14379 | Document | |||||||
1750 | Document | |||||||
1753 | Document | |||||||
1708 | Document | |||||||
5869 | Document | |||||||
E Draft Report - Item 6.2 - Climate Change | . | 11412 | Document | ||||||
Thoughts for alternative (and more complex) NP sei whale models | . | 11475 | Document | ||||||
A Global Reassessment of Solitary-Sociable Dolphins Front. Vet. Sci. 5... | L. Nunny and M.P. Simmonds | 10779 | Document | ||||||
E Chair's Summary (uploaded at 09.00 on 20/05/2019) | . | 11703 | Document | ||||||
5852 | Document | |||||||
Status of a 'DNA register' for humpback whales in the North Pacific | 15792 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section - 16.1.7 Atlantic humpback dolphin | 16131 | Document | |||||||
Cetacean Host-Pathogen Interaction(s): Critical Knowledge Gaps. Front.... | Giovanni Di Guardo, Cinzia Centelleghe and Sandro Mazzariol | 10767 | Document | ||||||
Spatial distribution of parent-offspring pairs based on the GENELAND... | Mioko Taguchi | 11451 | Document | ||||||
Summary of the time trends of some biological parameters of the North... | H. Maeda, Y. Ishikawa and H. Kato | 11502 | Document | ||||||
Potential mitigation measures for reducing exposure of cetaceans to... | Patricia Holm and Ailsa Hall | 10635 | Document | ||||||
Extract from Schedule | . | 11565 | Document | ||||||
Summary of information on stocks with a view to formally assessing... | 15969 | Document | |||||||
1762 | Document | |||||||
1752 | Document | |||||||
IWC | 2016 | 6240 | Document | |||||
Draft SC Handbook | . | 11001 | Document | ||||||
Extract from ASI Report 2017 | . | 11115 | Document | ||||||
Draft WW Work Plan | .. | 11607 | Document | ||||||
E Draft Report - Final Sections | . | 11418 | Document | ||||||
Proposal to consider Central American humpback whales as a candidate CMP | R.L. Brownell, J. Urbán, L. Trejos, G. Hernández, L. Rojas-Bracho... | 11532 | Document | ||||||
IWC | 2016 | 6233 | Document | |||||
Work tasks identified last year in the report of the North Pacific sei... | D. Palka | 11472 | Document | ||||||
4637 | Document | |||||||
5941 | Document | |||||||
Genetic analyses on stock structure of fin whales in the Indo Pacific... | Mutsuo Goto and Mioko Taguchi | 10464 | Document | ||||||
Statement by Japan regarding the assessment process of North Pacific... | 15870 | Document | |||||||
5881 | Document | |||||||
IWC | 2016 | 6236 | Document | |||||
Designing Whale Watching Materials and Training Courses for Tourism... | Castro Cristina, Diana Cardenas and Rita Almeida | 11592 | Document | ||||||
1778 | Document | |||||||
1726 | Document | |||||||
WW Draft Report - Item 5 | . | 11601 | Document | ||||||
1766 | Document | |||||||
Draft report section 3 - IWC multinational research programmes etc. | 15915 | Document | |||||||
Reducing the Costs of IWC Meetings (Secretariat) | 3388 | Document | ||||||
Southern right whale of the SW Atlantic: An update on the CMP actions... | Miguel Iñíguez Bessega | 10557 | Document | ||||||
A report on baleen whale records and recent developments in marine... | D. Sutaria | 2019 | 11904 | Document | ||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.1 Review previous recommendations 1979-2017 | 15993 | Document | |||||||
CMP Draft Agenda | 16176 | Document | |||||||
5868 | Document | |||||||
Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue: preliminary results of IWC... | Barbara Galletti Vernazzani, Catherine R.M. Attard, Dawn R. Barlow... | 10470 | Document | ||||||
Draft Agenda for SM | 15957 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Research on and Monitoring of Endangered... | 16224 | Document | |||||||
1773 | Document | |||||||
5878 | Document | |||||||
1755 | Document | |||||||
DRAFT REPORT Item 16.1.1 Review previous recommendations 1979-2017 | 16023 | Document | |||||||
Stock structure hypotheses under consideration for the gray whale... | 16035 | Document | |||||||
5890 | Document | |||||||
1740 | Document | |||||||
Letter from the Uruguay Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretariat) | 3391 | Document | ||||||
Status update: North Atlantic right whales | 16098 | Document | |||||||
1751 | Document | |||||||
Results of Trials to Evaluate the Interim Allowance Strategy for West... | ANDRÉ E. PUNT | 2019 | 12093 | Document | ||||
1742 | Document | |||||||
An update of the conservation status of the bottlenose dolphins of... | Laura May-Collado, Betzi Perez, Dalia Barragan-Barrera, Kahlia Gonzales... | 11580 | Document | ||||||
Denmark - Progress Report Summary | Nette Levermann | 11685 | Document |