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+/- | Thumbnail | Document Number | Full Title | Author | Publication Year | ID | Type | Extension | Tools |
Argentina | IWC | 2004 | 18764 | Document | ||||
Japanese Special Permit - North Pacific | IWC | 1999 | 21559 | Document | |||||
Annual Meetings | IWC | 2000 | 21585 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting of the Working Group on the RMS... | IWC | 2001 | 21643 | Document | |||||
314 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Chair's Report of the 60th Annual Meeting | IWC | 2009 | 4264 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2004 | 3938 | Document | |||||
Annual Report of the Southern Ocean Research Partnership (IWC-SORP) 2020/21 | ELANOR M. BELL (Compiler) | 2021 | 19085 | Document | ||||
511 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
881 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Japanese Special Permits - Antarctic | IWC | 2009 | 4308 | Document | ||||
No paper | IWC | 2018 | 17790 | Document | ||||
Japan | IWC | 2004 | 18773 | Document | ||||
3602 | Document | |||||||
Draft Agenda for the 52nd Annual Meeting | IWC | 2000 | 21597 | Document | ||||
6703 | Document | |||||||
Australian Voluntary National Cetacean Conservation Report 2016 | IWC | 2016 | 6260 | Document | ||||
Outline of the research plan for the 2021/2022 JASS-A survey in the... | KOJI MATSUOKA, TAKASHI HAKAMADA, TATSUYA ISODA, TAIKI KATSUMATA... | 2021 | 19261 | Document | ||||
Japanese Special Permit - Antarctic | IWC | 2000 | 21633 | Document | |||||
327 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
List of Circular Communications sent to Commissioners and Contracting... | IWC | 2001 | 21651 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Lithuania | IWC | 2009 | 4281 | Document | ||||
Report of the 28th Meeting, 4 March 2024 | IWC | 2024 | 21952 | Document | ||||
862 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
859 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
SC-55-ProgRep Italy | Italy | 2003 | 18381 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Costa Rica | IWC | 2009 | 4278 | Document | ||||
Invited Participants and Nationally Nominated Scientists at the... | IWC | 1998 | 21660 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Bulgaria to the Convention | IWC | 2009 | 4286 | Document | ||||
SC-55-ProgRep USA(Addendum) | USA Addendum | 2003 | 18048 | Document | |||||
Peru | IWC | 2004 | 18780 | Document | ||||
Humpback whale Breeding Stock G: Updated population estimate based on... | Fernando F?lix, Jorge Acevedo, Anelio Aguayo-Lobo, Isabel C. ?vila... | 2021 | 19255 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Morocco | IWC | 2009 | 4243 | Document | ||||
SC-55-ProgRep Spain | Spain | 2003 | 18144 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep Denmark | Denmark | 2003 | 18366 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep New Zealand | New Zealand | 2003 | 18462 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep Oman | Oman | 2003 | 18468 | Document | |||||
Creating links from IWC's website to websites of Contracting Governments | IWC | 2008 | 4174 | Document | ||||
E - Compilation of the State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)... | IWC | 2020 | 17676 | Document | ||||
Australia | IWC | 2005 | 18789 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for the People’s Republic of China | IWC | 2000 | 21625 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2006 | 4056 | Document | |||||
Whale Distribution in the Northern Arabian Sea along Coast of Pakistan... | Muhammad Moazzam, Rab Nawaz, Babar Khan, Sudheer Ahmed | 2020 | 17196 | Document | ||||
CMP - Research on and Monitoring of Endangered Western North Pacific... | IWC | 2020 | 17715 | Document | ||||
SC-55-ProgRep Korea | Korea, Republic of | 2003 | 18387 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2006 | 4042 | Document | |||||
Adherence of Greece to the Convention | IWC | 2007 | 4124 | Document | ||||
Ireland | IWC | 2005 | 18796 | Document | ||||
499 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IWC | 2005 | 4003 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep Spain | Spain | 2003 | 18051 | Document | |||||
6017 | Document | |||||||
6254 | Document | |||||||
IWC | 2005 | 3944 | Document | |||||
Appointment of Mr. Akira Nakamae as Acting Vice-Chair | IWC | 2008 | 4228 | Document | ||||
SC-55-ProgRep Ireland | Ireland | 2003 | 18378 | Document | |||||
Report of the Intersessional Meeting of the RMS Working Group | IWC | 2001 | 21646 | Document | |||||
Changes to Annual Meeting Preparations and Procedures | IWC | 2001 | 21649 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 4004 | Document | |||||
Interim Progress Report Bycatch Mitigation Initiative | IWC | 2018 | 17796 | Document | ||||
State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER) 2023 - final version | M. Stachowitsch, N.A. Rose and E.C.M. Parsons | 2023 | 19996 | Document | ||||
Report on the development of the IWC online Whale Watching Handbook | IWC | 2018 | 17802 | Document | ||||
IWC/66/4 (2015). Cooperation with other organisations | IWC | 2015 | 17850 | Document | ||||
SC-55-ProgRep UK | UK | 2003 | 18084 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep USA(Addendum) | USA Addendum | 2003 | 18156 | Document | |||||
CMP - Workshop to develop a proposal to a Conservation Management Plan... | IWC | 2020 | 17658 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting on the Future of IWC: Interviews by Professor Juma | IWC | 2008 | 4162 | Document | ||||
Report of the Workshop on Whalewatching | Workshop on Whalewatching | 2011 | 8529 | Document | ||||
Whale Watching Handbook – Engagement and Outreach | IWC | 2020 | 18719 | Document | ||||
Action Arising from the Workshop on Whale Killing Methods | IWC | 1999 | 21565 | Document | ||||
1055 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
5339 | Document | |||||||
CMP - Workshop on the IWC Conservation Management Plan for the Southern... | IWC | 2020 | 17655 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3964 | Document | |||||
CC-SC Meeting Report, May 2018 | IWC | 2018 | 17835 | Document | ||||
Reconciling a long-term photo-id database for blue whales in Chilean... | Juan Pablo Torres-Florez, Jorge Ruiz and Rodrigo Hucke-Gaete | 2021 | 19103 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting of the Commission on the Future of IWC, FAO... | IWC | 2009 | 4245 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3986 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep SouthAfrica | South Africa | 2003 | 18141 | Document | |||||
South Africa | IWC | 2005 | 18804 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Lithuania to the Convention | IWC | 2008 | 4234 | Document | ||||
SC-55-ProgRep Norway | Norway | 2003 | 18465 | Document | |||||
No Paper | IWC | 2021 | 19143 | Document | ||||
Japanese Special Permit – North Pacific | IWC | 2000 | 21615 | Document | |||||
Important Revision to: Amendments to the Schedule: | IWC | 2007 | 4133 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4031 | Document | |||||
Spain | IWC | 2004 | 18782 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4049 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep UK | UK | 2003 | 18063 | Document | |||||
562 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Virtual Special Meeting of the Commission Zoom Audio Day 2 | IWC | 2021 | 19390 | Document | ||||
6270 | Document | |||||||
Commissioner for the United States of America | IWC | 2000 | 21636 | Document | |||||
Chair's Summary of the Conference for the Normalisation of the IWC... | IWC | 2007 | 4100 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Argentina | IWC | 2000 | 21619 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for France | IWC | 1999 | 21567 | Document | ||||
Japanese Special Permit - Antarctic | IWC | 1999 | 21574 | Document | ||||
Further updated progress report: A multi-stock model for North Pacific... | Andre E. Punt | 2020 | 17595 | Document | ||||
Scientific Committee Address List | IWC | 1999 | 21661 | Document | ||||
UK Contribution to the Small Cetacean Fund | IWC | 2001 | 21656 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3956 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep Mexico | Mexico | 2003 | 18456 | Document | |||||
657 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Draft Terms of Reference for a proposed intersessional ad hoc group to... | UK | 2011 | 8406 | Document | ||||
5406 | Document | |||||||
SC-55-ProgRep USA(Addendum) | USA Addendum | 2003 | 18075 | Document | |||||
INTEGRATING CITIZEN-SCIENCE AND MOBILE WEB APP AS A TOOL FOR THE... | Magdalena Arias, Ra?l A. C. Gonz?lez, Enrique A. Crespo... | 19603 | Document | |||||
309 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IWC | 2005 | 3962 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep USA(Addendum) | USA Addendum | 2003 | 18093 | Document | |||||
Letter to the IWC Chairman from the Japanese Commissioner | IWC | 2000 | 21640 | Document | |||||
334 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
578 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
New Commissioner for Germany | IWC | 2007 | 4121 | Document | ||||
Ireland | IWC | 2004 | 18771 | Document | ||||
No Paper | IWC | 2021 | 19140 | Document | ||||
Change in Commissioner for Italy | IWC | 2001 | 21641 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2004 | 3940 | Document | |||||
329 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IWC | 2005 | 3947 | Document | |||||
IWC/60 New Information on delegation offices | IWC | 2008 | 4184 | Document | ||||
Brazil | IWC | 2005 | 18791 | Document | ||||
Verbatim Record of the 58th Annual Meeting now available | IWC | 2006 | 4078 | Document | ||||
Request for infractions reports | IWC | 2009 | 4265 | Document | ||||
1113 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Guidance on drafting Conservation Committee Recommendations | IWC | 2018 | 17814 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Mongolia | IWC | 2008 | 4155 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Laos | IWC | 2007 | 4126 | Document | ||||
SC-55-ProgRep Sweden | Sweden | 2003 | 18147 | Document | |||||
Visas for 50th Annual Meeting | IWC | 1998 | 21658 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting of the Commission to address Greenland... | IWC | 2010 | 4319 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3959 | Document | |||||
Chair's Summary Report of the 58th Annual Meeting | IWC | 2006 | 4071 | Document | ||||
IWC Review - Final Report (IWC Review Team - Christian Prip... | IWC | 2018 | 7225 | Document | ||||
United States America Voluntary National Cetacean Conservation Report 2011 | IWC | 2011 | 8493 | Document | ||||
316 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IWC | 2005 | 3999 | Document | |||||
ASI - Pre-meeting of the Abundance Steering Group and the... | IWC | 2020 | 17679 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for the Republic of Korea | IWC | 2001 | 21653 | Document | |||||
Letter from the Chair of the Commission regarding the Intersessional... | IWC | 2008 | 4161 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3953 | Document | |||||
Japanese Special Permits - North Pacific (offshore component) | IWC | 2014 | 4573 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3979 | Document | |||||
Adherence of Romania to the Convention | IWC | 2008 | 4183 | Document | ||||
CMP - Passive Acoustic Monitoring of the Eastern South Pacific Southern... | IWC | 2020 | 17652 | Document | ||||
Virtopsy Investigations of Stranded Cetaceans in Hong Kong Waters... | Brian C.W. Kot, Henry C.I. Tsui, Tabris Y.T. Chung, Heysen H.N. Ho... | 2021 | 19060 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Republic of Nauru | IWC | 2007 | 4096 | Document | ||||
Preliminary consideration of Scientific Committee Recommendations of... | IWC | 2016 | 17889 | Document | ||||
SC-55-ProgRep Sweden | Sweden | 2003 | 18081 | Document | |||||
Venue for IWC/62 in 2010 | IWC | 2008 | 4181 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Estonia to the Convention | IWC | 2009 | 4242 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Greece | IWC | 2009 | 4305 | Document | ||||
Preliminary consideration of Scientific Committee recommendations of... | IWC | 2016 | 17862 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4022 | Document | |||||
Intersession al Meeting of the Commission, 4-5 March 2010 | IWC | 2009 | 4307 | Document | ||||
Draft Agenda Conservation Committee Planning Group 2018 | IWC | 2018 | 17772 | Document | ||||
Report of the IWC Strandings Initiative Stranding Expert Panel Workshop | IWC | 2023 | 21673 | Document | ||||
Report from the Voluntary Conservation Fund Steering Group (VCF-SG) | IWC | 2018 | 17817 | Document | ||||
Research plan of the cetacean sighting survey in the southwestern Sea... | Pavel S. Gushcherov, Igor A. Naberezhnykh... | 19452 | Document | |||||
Proposed Schedule Amendment: Japan | IWC | 2007 | 4112 | Document | ||||
Further documents for IWC/59 | IWC | 2007 | 4117 | Document | ||||
Letter from the Chair regarding safety at sea | IWC | 2008 | 4163 | Document | ||||
Databases and data holdings in the IWC: A review of the current status... | Iain J. Staniland, Mark Tandy, Imogen Webster... | 2021 | 19146 | Document | ||||
348 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IWC | 2005 | 3998 | Document | |||||
No Paper | IWC | 2021 | 19144 | Document | ||||
IWC-POWER cruise in 2022 including associated meetings and processing | IWC | 2021 | 19240 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4047 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3974 | Document | |||||
Revised Version of the Chair's Summary Report of IWC/59 AND French and... | IWC | 2007 | 4146 | Document | ||||
Report of the Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Sub-Committee... | IWC | 2018 | 7309 | Document | ||||
Scientific Committee Meeting (SC/68a):  Draft Agenda | IWC | 2019 | 8106 | Document | ||||
Media releases from the Intersessional Meeting on the Future of IWC... | IWC | 2008 | 4173 | Document | ||||
Annotated Provisional Agenda for IWC61... | IWC | 2009 | 4270 | Document | ||||
Amendments to the Schedule | IWC | 2009 | 4282 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Dominican Republic to the Convention | IWC | 2009 | 4285 | Document | ||||
Letter from Marie-Josee Jenniskens, IWC Commissioner of the Netherlands | IWC | 2009 | 4312 | Document | ||||
Change of Address for Irish Commissioner | IWC | 2000 | 21584 | Document | ||||
3544 | Document | |||||||
6242 | Document | |||||||
SC-55-ProgRep Japan | Japan | 2003 | 18384 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2006 | 4063 | Document | |||||
SC68D Annual Scientific Committee Meeting 2022: Registration... | IWC | 2022 | 19417 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Costa Rica | IWC | 2010 | 4371 | Document | ||||
Japanese Special Permit - Antarctic | IWC | 1998 | 21557 | Document | ||||
Interest in serving on the Budgetary Sub-Committee | IWC | 2000 | 21627 | Document | |||||
Information on Preparatory Workshop for Assessing the Impacts on Marine... | IWC | 2013 | 21664 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3966 | Document | |||||
Reinstatement of right to vote : Nicaragua | IWC | 2008 | 4190 | Document | ||||
510 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Provisional List of Invited Participants to the Scientific Committee... | IWC | 2004 | 3880 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Guinea Bissau to the Convention | IWC | 2007 | 4127 | Document | ||||
498 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
625 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
686 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
797 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Private Meeting of Commissioners, IWC/59 | IWC | 2007 | 4116 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Morocco | IWC | 2009 | 4261 | Document | ||||
Venue for IWC/55 in 2003 | IWC | 2001 | 21650 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3992 | Document | |||||
Reinstatement of right to vote: Gabon | IWC | 2008 | 4201 | Document | ||||
Japan’s Scientific Progress Reports on Large Cetaceans | Government of Japan | 20035 | Document | ||||||
Catch and Infractions data sharing policies – update | IWC | 2023 | 21515 | Document | ||||
1455 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
IWC | 2006 | 4053 | Document | |||||
Letter from the Commissioner of New Zealand | IWC | 2007 | 4128 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3949 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Ecuador | IWC | 2010 | 4346 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for the Marshall Islands | IWC | 2010 | 4370 | Document | ||||
1045 | Audio | MP3 | |||||||
Republic of Korea | IWC | 2004 | 18774 | Document | ||||
Norway | IWC | 2004 | 18778 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3985 | Document | |||||
Letter from the Chair of the Commission regarding IWC/60 | IWC | 2007 | 4149 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Uruguay | IWC | 2009 | 4247 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3976 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3969 | Document | |||||
Intersessional Meeting on the Future of the IWC | IWC | 2007 | 4139 | Document | ||||
Help with obtaining visas for Chile | IWC | 2008 | 4196 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Argentina | IWC | 2009 | 4246 | Document | ||||
CMP - Songs of Arabian Sea humpback whales off the west coast of India | IWC | 2020 | 17646 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 4014 | Document | |||||
SC-55-ProgRep New Zealand | New Zealand | 2003 | 18396 | Document | |||||
Low-cost solutions to cetacean bycatch in global gillnet fisheries | Per Berggren, Andrew J Temple, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto and Jeffrey C. Mangel | 2020 | 17553 | Document | ||||