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+/- | Thumbnail | Document Number | Full Title | Author | Publication Year | ID | Type | Extension | Tools |
Appointment of Consultants to Undertake the IWC Administrative Review | IWC | 1998 | 21549 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for the Republic of Korea | IWC | 2010 | 4342 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4051 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for the Republic of Korea | IWC | 2012 | 4489 | Document | ||||
Secretariat contact details during IWC/62, Agadir... | IWC | 2010 | 4355 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Tanzania to the Convention | IWC | 2008 | 4203 | Document | ||||
List of Circular Communications sent to Commissioners and Contracting... | IWC | 2000 | 21583 | Document | ||||
Comments/proposed text from Contracting Governments on the draft... | IWC | 2010 | 4341 | Document | ||||
Discussions on Enhanced Scientific Participation of Developing... | IWC | 2001 | 21644 | Document | |||||
Amendments to the Schedule to the ICRW... | IWC | 2010 | 4314 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3997 | Document | |||||
Requirements for attendance at IWC64 in 2012 for Contracting... | IWC | 2012 | 4487 | Document | ||||
For Your Information: New NGO registration fees | IWC | 2008 | 4166 | Document | ||||
Dates and venue for the Intersessional Meeting on the Future of IWC | IWC | 2007 | 4144 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Guinea-Bissau | IWC | 2012 | 4499 | Document | ||||
Japanese Financial Contribution | IWC | 2007 | 4097 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 4009 | Document | |||||
Exploration of the due date for the payment of financial contributions... | IWC | 2009 | 4298 | Document | ||||
Financial Contributions: Rights to receive Documents and Vote | IWC | 2000 | 21613 | Document | |||||
Further documents for IWC/56 | IWC | 2004 | 3905 | Document | ||||
Call for information on whale killing methods and associated welfare issues | IWC | 2008 | 4176 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3991 | Document | |||||
Amendments to the Schedule adopted at IWC/58 | IWC | 2006 | 4076 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for Grenada | IWC | 2000 | 21582 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for the Republic of Korea | IWC | 2009 | 4271 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Sultanate of Oman | IWC | 2010 | 4373 | Document | ||||
Reinstatement of right to vote : Mauritania | IWC | 2008 | 4236 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for St. Lucia | IWC | 2010 | 4325 | Document | ||||
Request for infractions reports | IWC | 2008 | 4179 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Republic of Croatia | IWC | 2007 | 4099 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for Republic of Korea | IWC | 2000 | 21588 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Italy to the International Convention for the Regulation... | IWC | 1998 | 21546 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting, Draft Agenda... | IWC | 2010 | 4321 | Document | ||||
Communications with the Secretariat | IWC | 2000 | 21638 | Document | |||||
IWC Membership Contribution Calculation | IWC | 1999 | 21576 | Document | ||||
Letter from the Acting Chair of the Commission | IWC | 2011 | 4409 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for the Republic of Slovenia | IWC | 2008 | 4192 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for the Repubic of Korea | IWC | 2014 | 4580 | Document | ||||
Amendments to the Schedule to the ICRW... | IWC | 2009 | 4241 | Document | ||||
Correction to Postal Vote | IWC | 2000 | 21591 | Document | ||||
March 2010, Intersessional Meeting of the Commission and voting rights | IWC | 2010 | 4315 | Document | ||||
Annotated Provisional Agenda for IWC/59 and Other Documents | IWC | 2007 | 4104 | Document | ||||
Valdes Peninsula Declaration | IWC | 2006 | 4082 | Document | ||||
Statement by the Chair of the Commission on progress made at the... | IWC | 2009 | 4299 | Document | ||||
Availability of background documents for the Small Working Group (SWG)... | IWC | 2008 | 4220 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Cyprus | IWC | 2007 | 4103 | Document | ||||
Information from Brazil | IWC | 2008 | 4239 | Document | ||||
New contact details for the Chair of the Commission | IWC | 2008 | 4160 | Document | ||||
Meeting of the Small Working Group (SWG) on the Future of the IWC... | IWC | 2008 | 4238 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for The Gambia | IWC | 2010 | 4376 | Document | ||||
Chair's Summary Report of the 60th Annual Meeting | IWC | 2008 | 4237 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for India | IWC | 2006 | 4081 | Document | ||||
Japanese Special Permits - North Pacific (offshore component) | IWC | 2014 | 4573 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Republic of Ghana to the Convention | IWC | 2009 | 4284 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4036 | Document | |||||
Letter from the Chair of the Commission regarding discussions at IWC/62... | IWC | 2010 | 4356 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for the People’s Republic of China | IWC | 2000 | 21625 | Document | |||||
Draft Agenda and Information on the 59th Annual Meeting | IWC | 2007 | 4092 | Document | ||||
Intersessional email group regarding translation of the Commission’s... | IWC | 2008 | 4167 | Document | ||||
Verbatim Record of the 59th Annual Meeting now available | IWC | 2008 | 4172 | Document | ||||
Reinstatement of right to vote: Peru | IWC | 2009 | 4288 | Document | ||||
Correction to South Pacific Sanctuary Boundary | IWC | 2000 | 21602 | Document | ||||
German Submission on the Membership Contribution Schemes | IWC | 2000 | 21603 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for St. Lucia | IWC | 1998 | 21556 | Document | ||||
Venue and dates for the 2009 Intersessional Meeting on the Future of IWC | IWC | 2008 | 4231 | Document | ||||
Statement by the Chair of the Commission on the meeting of the Support... | IWC | 2010 | 4318 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4028 | Document | |||||
Japanese Special Permits - North Pacific | IWC | 2010 | 4361 | Document | ||||
Committee, Sub-committee and Working Group Draft Agendas | IWC | 2000 | 21604 | Document | ||||
Invited Participants to the Scientific Committee Meeting | IWC | 2000 | 21592 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for Japan - Correction of Contact details | IWC | 2008 | 4223 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for the Republic of Slovenia | IWC | 2007 | 4134 | Document | ||||
Reinstatement of right to vote: Togo | IWC | 2008 | 4206 | Document | ||||
Draft Agreement of Co-operation with the International Maritime... | IWC | 2008 | 4178 | Document | ||||
Letter to the IWC Chairman from the Japanese Commissioner | IWC | 2000 | 21640 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Cote d'Ivoire | IWC | 2012 | 4492 | Document | ||||
Permanent appointment of Commissioner for Australia | IWC | 2008 | 4170 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for USA | IWC | 2010 | 4328 | Document | ||||
Japanese Special Permit – North Pacific | IWC | 2000 | 21615 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Japan | IWC | 2008 | 4221 | Document | ||||
Venue for IWC/55 in 2003 | IWC | 2001 | 21650 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Uruguay | IWC | 2007 | 4151 | Document | ||||
Revised Management Scheme (RMS) - Revised Draft Schedule Text | IWC | 1999 | 21569 | Document | ||||
Draft Agenda for the December Meeting of the SWG on the Future of IWC | IWC | 2008 | 4230 | Document | ||||
Unpaid Financial Contributions: Suspension of the Right to Vote | IWC | 2008 | 4198 | Document | ||||
Reinstatement of right to vote : Cameroon | IWC | 2008 | 4209 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3981 | Document | |||||
Waiver of visa fees for members of national delegations attending... | IWC | 2009 | 4257 | Document | ||||
Unpaid Financial Contributions: Suspension of the Right to Vote - The... | IWC | 2008 | 4214 | Document | ||||
Further documents for IWC/56 | IWC | 2004 | 3898 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for France | IWC | 1999 | 21567 | Document | ||||
Appointment of Commissioner for the Dominican Republic | IWC | 2009 | 4303 | Document | ||||
Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the... | IWC | 1999 | 21570 | Document | ||||
Interest in serving on the Budgetary Sub-Committee | IWC | 2000 | 21627 | Document | |||||
Japanese Special Permit - Antarctic | IWC | 1999 | 21574 | Document | ||||
Amendments to the Schedule - International Convention for the... | IWC | 1999 | 21558 | Document | |||||
Letter from the Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission. Proposed... | IWC | 2010 | 4345 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Ecuador to the Convention | IWC | 2007 | 4120 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for the Republic of Korea | IWC | 2001 | 21653 | Document | |||||
Draft Revised Chapter V of the Schedule | IWC | 2000 | 21605 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4025 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Slovak Republic | IWC | 2010 | 4359 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting on the Future of IWC: Further information on... | IWC | 2008 | 4164 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for the United States of America | IWC | 2000 | 21636 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Poland | IWC | 2009 | 4297 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting of the Commission on the Future of IWC... | IWC | 2009 | 4250 | Document | ||||
Action Arising from the Workshop on Whale Killing Methods | IWC | 1999 | 21565 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3990 | Document | |||||
Report of the Small Working Group on the Future of IWC | IWC | 2009 | 4248 | Document | ||||
Change of Address for Irish Commissioner | IWC | 2000 | 21584 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Ecuador | IWC | 2008 | 4194 | Document | ||||
Amendments to the Schedule | IWC | 2007 | 4141 | Document | ||||
Amendment to the Japanese Special Permit -Antarctic | IWC | 1999 | 21581 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Ecuador | IWC | 2010 | 4346 | Document | ||||
Annual Meetings | IWC | 2000 | 21585 | Document | ||||
Change in Commissioner for Italy | IWC | 2001 | 21641 | Document | |||||
Changes to Annual Meeting Preparations and Procedures | IWC | 2001 | 21649 | Document | |||||
Japanese Special Permit - Antarctic | IWC | 1998 | 21557 | Document | ||||
Proposed NGO Session at the Intersessional Meeting of the Commission on... | IWC | 2009 | 4251 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2004 | 3937 | Document | |||||
Contracting Government Financial Contributions 2024 | IWC | 2023 | 21905 | Document | ||||
Documents for the Special Session of the F&A Committee on the Frequency... | IWC | 2007 | 4115 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Argentina | IWC | 2000 | 21619 | Document | |||||
Japanese Special Permits - Antarctic | IWC | 2009 | 4308 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4059 | Document | |||||
Voluntary contribution from Norway | IWC | 2009 | 4302 | Document | ||||
Reinstatement of right to vote : Romania | IWC | 2009 | 4267 | Document | ||||
UK Contribution to the Small Cetacean Fund | IWC | 2001 | 21656 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2006 | 4043 | Document | |||||
Meeting of the Small Working Group (SWG) on the Future of IWC: 12-13... | IWC | 2009 | 4252 | Document | ||||
Letter from the USA Commissioner | IWC | 2007 | 4143 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting of the Working Group on the RMS... | IWC | 2001 | 21643 | Document | |||||
Annual Meeting in 2011 | IWC | 2010 | 4334 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4046 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2006 | 4023 | Document | |||||
Letter from the Chair regarding safety at sea | IWC | 2009 | 4311 | Document | ||||
Reinstatement of right to vote : Benin, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau... | IWC | 2008 | 4204 | Document | ||||
Correspondence between Norway and St. Kitts and Nevis regarding funds... | IWC | 2006 | 4075 | Document | ||||
Appointment of Commissioner for Estonia | IWC | 2009 | 4253 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4062 | Document | |||||
Objection to Schedule Amendment - Czech Republic | IWC | 2008 | 4224 | Document | ||||
Agreement of Co-operation with IMO | IWC | 2008 | 4212 | Document | ||||
Japanese Special Permit - Antarctic | IWC | 2000 | 21633 | Document | |||||
Reinstatement of right to vote : Nicaragua | IWC | 2008 | 4190 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3982 | Document | |||||
Proposed Schedule Amendment: Japan | IWC | 2007 | 4112 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 4000 | Document | |||||
List of Circular Communications sent to Commissioners and Contracting... | IWC | 2001 | 21651 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Uruguay | IWC | 2009 | 4247 | Document | ||||
Letter from the Commissioner of New Zealand | IWC | 2007 | 4128 | Document | ||||
Amendments to the Schedule | IWC | 2006 | 4064 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner For Chile | IWC | 2006 | 4066 | Document | ||||
Representation at IWC62 and issuance of visas | IWC | 2010 | 4350 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4052 | Document | |||||
Report of the Intersessional Meeting of the RMS Working Group | IWC | 2001 | 21646 | Document | |||||
Agreement of Co-operation between the International Maritime... | IWC | 2009 | 4309 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 4016 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Costa Rica | IWC | 2010 | 4371 | Document | ||||
Help with obtaining visas for Chile | IWC | 2008 | 4196 | Document | ||||
Venue for IWC/62 in 2010 | IWC | 2008 | 4181 | Document | ||||
Letter from the Chair regarding safety at sea | IWC | 2008 | 4163 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Slovenia to the Convention | IWC | 2006 | 4072 | Document | ||||
5th Meeting of the Buenos Aires Group : Statement | IWC | 2008 | 4240 | Document | ||||
Chair's Summary of the Conference for the Normalisation of the IWC... | IWC | 2007 | 4100 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Romania to the Convention | IWC | 2008 | 4183 | Document | ||||
Commissioner for Republic of Guinea | IWC | 2000 | 21629 | Document | |||||
Draft Agenda for the 52nd Annual Meeting | IWC | 2000 | 21597 | Document | ||||
Intersessional email group on interpretation/translation at IWC/59:... | IWC | 2007 | 4087 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3985 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3992 | Document | |||||
From the Secretary | IWC | 2000 | 21618 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Greece | IWC | 2009 | 4305 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3976 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Argentina | IWC | 2009 | 4246 | Document | ||||
New Commissioner for Mongolia | IWC | 2008 | 4155 | Document | ||||
Annotated Provisional Agenda for IWC61... | IWC | 2009 | 4270 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4032 | Document | |||||
Intersessional Meeting on the Future of the IWC | IWC | 2007 | 4139 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4029 | Document | |||||
Commissioner for Nicaragua | IWC | 2008 | 4199 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3966 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2004 | 3940 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3998 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3969 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3949 | Document | |||||
Letter from the Chair of the Commission regarding the Intersessional... | IWC | 2008 | 4161 | Document | ||||
Amendments to the Schedule | IWC | 2009 | 4282 | Document | ||||
Reinstatement of right to vote: Gabon | IWC | 2008 | 4201 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4054 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 3974 | Document | |||||
New Commissioner for Morocco | IWC | 2009 | 4261 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3952 | Document | |||||
Japanese Special Permit - North Pacific | IWC | 1999 | 21559 | Document | |||||
Adherence of Uruguay to the Convention | IWC | 2007 | 4142 | Document | ||||
Media releases from the Intersessional Meeting on the Future of IWC... | IWC | 2008 | 4173 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3979 | Document | |||||
Adherence of Estonia to the Convention | IWC | 2009 | 4242 | Document | ||||
Private Meeting of Commissioners, IWC/59 | IWC | 2007 | 4116 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3953 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2006 | 4055 | Document | |||||
Adherence of Guinea Bissau to the Convention | IWC | 2007 | 4127 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4047 | Document | |||||
Provisional List of Invited Participants to the Scientific Committee... | IWC | 2004 | 3880 | Document | ||||
Adherence of Dominican Republic to the Convention | IWC | 2009 | 4285 | Document | ||||
Intersessional Meeting of the Commission on the Future of IWC, FAO... | IWC | 2009 | 4245 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2006 | 4053 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2006 | 4038 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2006 | 4063 | Document | |||||
Intersessional Meeting of the Commission to address Greenland... | IWC | 2010 | 4319 | Document | ||||
IWC | 2005 | 3965 | Document | |||||
IWC | 2005 | 4014 | Document | |||||
Letter from the Chair of the Commission regarding IWC/60 | IWC | 2007 | 4149 | Document | ||||