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+/- | Thumbnail | Document Number | Full Title | Author | Publication Year | ID | Type | Extension | Tools |
1749 | Document | |||||||
Procedures for Submission, Review and Validation of Abundance Estimates | G. Givens, A. Zerbini and G. Donovan | 11625 | Document | ||||||
Comments on document SC/68A/ASI/07 regarding the assessment of North... | D.Pike, G.A. Vikingsson, Th. Gunnlaugsson and B. Elvarsson | 11142 | Document | ||||||
Marine Mammal Bycatch in South Africa: Request for guidance towards... | Mduduzi Seakamela | 11289 | Document | ||||||
IA Draft Agenda | . | 11469 | Document | ||||||
IA Draft Report - Items 3, 5 and 6 | . | 11499 | Document | ||||||
Results of the Japanese dedicated cetacean sighting survey in the... | 13161 | Document | |||||||
PH Draft Agenda | 15867 | Document | |||||||
1758 | Document | |||||||
5940 | Document | |||||||
SDDNA Draft Report - Item 2 - DNA testing | . | 11457 | Document | ||||||
Gray whale research off northeastern Sakhalin Island and eastern... | Alexander M. Burdin, Olga Sychenko and Matvey Mamaev | 10551 | Document | ||||||
Republic of Korea - Progress Report Summary | Hyun Woo Kim | 11694 | Document | ||||||
Argentina - Progress Report Summary | Miguel IñÃguez | 11691 | Document | ||||||
Proposed Order of Papers | . | 11508 | Document | ||||||
ASI Agenda | 15879 | Document | |||||||
1748 | Document | |||||||
1750 | Document | |||||||
3419 | Document | |||||||
ASI Chair's Summary (uploaded at 13.10 on 21/05/2019) | . | 11721 | Document | ||||||
Spain - Progress Report Summary | Begoña Santos | 11664 | Document | ||||||
Status report of conservation and researches on the Western North... | Gen Nakamura, Hideyoshi Yoshida, Ryota Terai, Kenji Konishi... | 10509 | Document | ||||||
Cruise Report of the New Scientific Whale Research Program in the... | Isoda, T., Ito, N., Shimetani, K., Nakamura, G., Kumagai, S., Takahashi... | 10719 | Document | ||||||
Suggestion for way forward on mitigation of the threat from PCBs -... | . | 11382 | Document | ||||||
Annex G Report of the Sub-Committee on the other Northern Hemisphere... | . | 11748 | Document | ||||||
Right whales in South Georgia/Islas Georgias del Sur waters 2018/19 | Jennifer Jackson | 11511 | Document | ||||||
Annex O Report of the Sub-Committee on Cetacean Stocks that are or... | . | 11775 | Document | ||||||
Intersessional progress with a North Pacific common minke whale... | 15810 | Document | |||||||
1778 | Document | |||||||
Conservation Management Plans: outcomes of the mid-term review and... | 10275 | Document | |||||||
Flukebook – Recent advances for cetacean photo identification and data... | Drew Blount, Jason Holmberg, Gianna Minton and Christin Khan | 10479 | Document | ||||||
Eastern North Pacific gray whale calf production estimates 1994-2018 | David W. Weller and Wayne L. Perryman | 10554 | Document | ||||||
ASW Draft Agenda | . | 11562 | Document | ||||||
Checklist for SWG review of abundance estimates | J. Cooke and S. Mizroch | 11046 | Document | ||||||
Cetaceans and Ecosystem Functioning: A Gap Analysis Workshop | . | 11364 | Document | ||||||
CMP Draft Agenda | 16146 | Document | |||||||
1780 | Document | |||||||
5841 | Document | |||||||
Draft Report - Maui and Hector's dolphins | . | 11325 | Document | ||||||
SH - Databases (Galletti) Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue:... | . | 11796 | Document | ||||||
1747 | Document | |||||||
Some additional single-stock North Pacific sei whale models | Andre E. Punt | 11481 | Document | ||||||
Update on Progress of the IWC Strandings Initiative 2019-2020 | 14193 | Document | |||||||
Previous advice - excerpt from JCRM 16 (Supp) 2015 | 16017 | Document | |||||||
1763 | Document | |||||||
CMP Draft Agenda | . | 11505 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Intersessional Correspondence Group on the Review of... | . | 11118 | Document | ||||||
HIM Draft Report - Bycatch | . | 11313 | Document | ||||||
Marine Debris Agenda | . | 11388 | Document | ||||||
Some ideas for topics to be addressed during the planned noise... | Leaper, Collins, Hubbell, Iniguez, Rojas-Bracho, Reyes Reyes, Sirovic... | 11394 | Document | ||||||
1726 | Document | |||||||
New information on the gray whale migratory movements between the... | J. Urbán R., D. Weller, S. MartÃnez A., O. Tyurneva, A. Bradford... | 10536 | Document | ||||||
Southern right whale of the SW Atlantic: An update on the CMP actions... | Miguel IñÃguez Bessega | 10557 | Document | ||||||
Cetacean rapid assessment: An approach to fill knowledge gaps and... | Gill T. Braulik Magreth Kasuga Anja Wittich Jeremy J. Kiszka Jamie... | 10740 | Document | ||||||
Draft report section 2 – consideration of status of stocks | 15873 | Document | |||||||
1742 | Document | |||||||
Mexico - Progress Report Summary | Gustavo Cardenas Hinojosa | 11676 | Document | ||||||
A gray whale stranded in Manazuru, Kanagawa, Japan in 2019 | 10347 | Document | |||||||
Focused model selection for linear mixed models with an application to... | Celine Cunen, Lars Walloe and Nils Lid Hjort | 10680 | Document | ||||||
Pathologic findings and causes of death of stranded cetaceans in the... | Antonio Fernandez, Josue Dıaz-Delgado, Eva Sierra, Simona Sacchini... | 10797 | Document | ||||||
Update of Sotalia guianensis Workshop Intersessional Groups | Camila Domit | 11061 | Document | ||||||
Checklist of items for evaluating model-based assessments | Andre Punt | 11031 | Document | ||||||
Welcome to the SC - For Newcomers 2020 | 13080 | Document | |||||||
SDDNA Draft Agenda | 15648 | Document | |||||||
1754 | Document | |||||||
Arabian Sea Humpbacks | . | 11529 | Document | ||||||
HIM Chair's Summary (uploaded at 08.10 on 22/05/2019) | . | 11724 | Document | ||||||
5919 | Document | |||||||
Eastern North Pacific gray whale calf production estimates 1994-2018 | 10257 | Document | |||||||
Draft Ship Strikes Workplan 2020-2022 | 15885 | Document | |||||||
1728 | Document | |||||||
Summary of the IWC Bycatch Mitigation Initiative’s Workshop, Nairobi... | . | 11283 | Document | ||||||
Strandings of Costa Rica 2004 to 2019: from bacterial genetics to... | Gabriela Hernandez Mora... | 11385 | Document | ||||||
Report on the Research Fund Financial Position | Katie Penfold | 11556 | Document | ||||||
EM Chair's Summary (as uploaded at 10.20 on 21.05/2019 | . | 11712 | Document | ||||||
Draft Report Item 8.2.3 SRW | 15768 | Document | |||||||
1733 | Document | |||||||
1752 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Fourth Workshop on Large Whale Entanglement Issues Paper... | IWC | 10788 | Document | ||||||
Statements related to Item 9.1.2 (North Pacific sei whale Comprehensive... | . | 11655 | Document | ||||||
1766 | Document | |||||||
1772 | Document | |||||||
1708 | Document | |||||||
5943 | Document | |||||||
Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Intra/Inter-Seasonal Exchanges... | M.M. Mackay, C.E. Bacon, L. Bouveret, S. Fossette and P.T. Stevick | 10863 | Document | ||||||
Comparing the Proposed Mixing Matrices for North Pacific Minke Whale... | C.L. de Moor, C. Allison and A.E. Punt | 10980 | Document | ||||||
1760 | Document | |||||||
1762 | Document | |||||||
5918 | Document | |||||||
Potential mitigation measures for reducing exposure of cetaceans to... | Patricia Holm and Ailsa Hall | 10635 | Document | ||||||
Annex F Report of the Sub-Committee on In Depth Assessment (uploaded at... | . | 11757 | Document | ||||||
Draft Recommendation on 12.3 (following discussion on Friday) | 15639 | Document | |||||||
1712 | Document | |||||||
Maximum Sustainable Yield Rate (MSYR) Review Workshop | IWC | 2007 | 3222 | Document | DOC | ||||
4638 | Document | |||||||
Email for ASI Rapportuers | . | 11127 | Document | ||||||
A report on baleen whale records and recent developments in marine... | D. Sutaria | 2019 | 11904 | Document | ||||
SP Draft Agenda | . | 11559 | Document | ||||||
Eastern North Pacific gray whale calf production estimates 1994-2018 | 10320 | Document | |||||||
Status of the Icelandic Whale DNA Register | Christophe Pampoulie and Gisli A. Vikingsson | 11424 | Document | ||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: A Franciscana Survey in Uruguay – Overcoming... | 16008 | Document | |||||||
Conservation Management Plans: outcomes of the mid-term review and... | 10215 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Meeting of the Editorial Board of the IWC Journal of... | . | 11649 | Document | ||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: Assessment of Arabian Sea humpback body... | 16164 | Document | |||||||
Recommendations to avoid sample depletion (excerpted from SC68a SDDNA... | 16071 | Document | |||||||
Draft SC Report Items 1-4 | . | 11652 | Document | ||||||
An update of the Japanese DNA register for large whales | Mutsuo Goto, Hiroyuki Oikawa and Mioko Taguchi | 11427 | Document | ||||||
Report of the intersessional work on organizing the IWC-CMS joint... | 15717 | Document | |||||||
5915 | Document | |||||||
ASW Draft Report | . | 11571 | Document | ||||||
Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue: preliminary results of IWC... | Barbara Galletti Vernazzani, Catherine R.M. Attard, Dawn R. Barlow... | 10470 | Document | ||||||
Update on the Third Modelling and Assessment of Whale-watching Impacts... | 14337 | Document | |||||||
1730 | Document | |||||||
1740 | Document | |||||||
1751 | Document | |||||||
1775 | Document | |||||||
Report of the ASI pre-meeting | . | 11124 | Document | ||||||
1744 | Document | |||||||
The occurrence of trichinellosis in gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus)... | Bukina, L.A., Skurihin, L.E., Lobovikov, S.V. and Litovka, D.I. | 10899 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Eleventh meeting of the Comitee Internacional para la ... | Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho | 10683 | Document | ||||||
1729 | Document | |||||||
Letter from the Uruguay Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretariat) | 3391 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Intersessional Correspondence Group on the Review of... | . | 11130 | Document | ||||||
Marine litter: One of the major threats for marine mammals. Outcomes... | Cristina Panti, Matteo Baini, Amy Lusher, Gema Hernandez-Milan... | 10764 | Document | ||||||
Sotalia guianensis pre-assessment workshop, 26-28 November 2019... | 15999 | Document | |||||||
Arrangements for Next Meetings (Secretariat) | 3392 | Document | ||||||
Using photo-identification to investigate the identity of blue whales... | 14208 | Document | |||||||
5917 | Document | |||||||
Report of the IWC-SORP Scientific Steering Committee - 2019 | . | 11637 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Joint U.S. Office of Naval Research... | IWC, NOAA, ONR | 10962 | Document | ||||||
Final Report of the First Intersessional Workshop on the Implementation... | . | 10965 | Document | ||||||
1734 | Document | |||||||
An update of the Norwegian minke whale DNA register | Hans J. Skaug | 11430 | Document | ||||||
Annex M Report of the Sub-Committee on Small Cetaceans (uploaded at... | . | 11772 | Document | ||||||
Results of the Japanese dedicated cetacean sighting survey in the... | Koji Matsuoka, Takashi Hakamada, Isamu Yoshimura, Taiki Katsumata... | 10914 | Document | ||||||
1779 | Document | |||||||
Summary of information received on ASW catches in 2018 | Cherry Allison | 11568 | Document | ||||||
Results of Trials to Evaluate the Interim Allowance Strategy for West... | ANDRÉ E. PUNT | 2019 | 12093 | Document | ||||
Reducing the Costs of IWC Meetings (Secretariat) | 3388 | Document | ||||||
Status of the Icelandic whale DNA register | 15687 | Document | |||||||
Visual Health Assessment and evaluation of Anthropogenic threats to... | 13998 | Document | |||||||
1719 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Intersessional Working Group on the Comprehensive... | 15819 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Research on and Monitoring of Endangered... | 16224 | Document | |||||||
1746 | Document | |||||||
Intersessional progress with a North Pacific common minke whale... | 16170 | Document | |||||||
1703 | Document | |||||||
5941 | Document | |||||||
1738 | Document | |||||||
Draft intersessional workplan for SH 2018/19 | . | 11247 | Document | ||||||
US Management Efforts to Recover North Atlantic Right Whales | 13707 | Document | |||||||
1721 | Document | |||||||
3417 | Document | |||||||
1723 | Document | |||||||
Summary of the time to time trends of some biological parameters of the... | . | 11490 | Document | ||||||
NH Chair's Summary (uploaded at 17:45 on 20/05/2019) | . | 11709 | Document | ||||||
Whales return to the epicentre of whaling? Preliminary results from the... | 14052 | Document | |||||||
Long-term monitoring of marine mammal strandings reveals the importance... | Hélène Peltier, Alain Beaufils, Catherine Cesarini, Willy Dabin... | 10815 | Document | ||||||
Draft report section - 10.1.2 Reference databases and standards for DNA... | 15663 | Document | |||||||
5920 | Document | |||||||
The last fluke of the trip: Preventing ship strike risk for humpback... | Jeri, J.C., Guzman, H., and Leslie, A. | 10599 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Expert Workshop on Means and Methods for Reducing Marine... | FAO | 10758 | Document | ||||||
CMP Chair's Summary (uploaded at 13.45 on 22/05/2019) | . | 11733 | Document | ||||||
Recent development in temporal and geographical variation in body... | H. Solvang, T. Haug and N. Øien | 10671 | Document | ||||||
Proposal to consider Central American humpback whales as a candidate CMP | R.L. Brownell, J. Urbán, L. Trejos, G. Hernández, L. Rojas-Bracho... | 11532 | Document | ||||||
DRAFT REPORT 1-Year Interim Workplan Draft | 16002 | Document | |||||||
5852 | Document | |||||||
Terminology | . | 11448 | Document | ||||||
Chair’s Summary Part 1 - 18 May 2020 | 15651 | Document | |||||||
Update on the development of a permanent blue whale song reference library | Ana Sirovic | 11220 | Document | ||||||
Recommendations to avoid sample depletion (excerpted from SC68a SDDNA... | 15672 | Document | |||||||
A candidate SLA for the common minke whale in East Greenland | Lars Witting | 10410 | Document | ||||||
Draft E Report - Item 4 - Strandings | . | 11415 | Document | ||||||
5884 | Document | |||||||
Estimation of population trajectories from fitting population models to... | Justin Cooke | 11025 | Document | ||||||
WW Draft Report - Item 5 | . | 11601 | Document | ||||||
Updated analysis of abundance and population structure of seasonal gray... | 13281 | Document | |||||||
1741 | Document | |||||||
3384 | Document | |||||||
Cetacean Host-Pathogen Interaction(s): Critical Knowledge Gaps. Front.... | Giovanni Di Guardo, Cinzia Centelleghe and Sandro Mazzariol | 10767 | Document | ||||||
Draft report section 2 – consideration of status of stocks | 15906 | Document | |||||||
Diagnosability of mtDNA with Random Forests: Using sequence data to... | F.I. Archer, K.K. Martien and B.L. Taylor | 10833 | Document | ||||||
1745 | Document | |||||||
1709 | Document | |||||||
The Intersessional Steering Group SG-32 | . | 11391 | Document | ||||||
Developing recommendations for genomic approaches to maximise utility... | Group ICG-2 | 11433 | Document | ||||||
Using photo-identification to investigate the identity of blue whales... | 13827 | Document | |||||||
Intersessional correspondence group on strengthening IWC financing (UK... | 3396 | Document | ||||||
5869 | Document | |||||||
Thoughts for alternative (and more complex) NP sei whale models | . | 11475 | Document | ||||||
Whales return to the epicentre of whaling? Preliminary results from the... | 13941 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue 2021 | 15804 | Document | |||||||
Summary of information on stocks with a view to formally assessing... | 15969 | Document | |||||||
Cooperation with Other Organisations | . | 11550 | Document | ||||||
Aquatic Wild Meat Database - Report of the Intersessional... | Mel Cosentino, Isabel Avila, Tim Collins, Pierre Gallego, Daniel Ingram... | 10686 | Document | ||||||
Genbank paragraph | . | 11442 | Document | ||||||
A candidate SLA for the common minke whale in East Greenland | Lars Witting | 10971 | Document | ||||||
Budget Table | . | 11646 | Document | ||||||
1699 | Document | |||||||
Population Assessment Update for Sakhalin Gray Whales | Juston G. Cooke, Olya Sychenko, Alexander M. Burdin, David W. Weller... | 11523 | Document | ||||||
CMP Draft Report (for Gray whales see CMP WP11) | ... | 11538 | Document | ||||||
Full Draft WW Report | 15711 | Document | |||||||
Increase cetaceans’ ship strikes in the Canary Island. Diagnosis done... | Antonio Fernandez, Eva Sierra, Yara Bernaldo de Quiros, Marina Arregui... | 10596 | Document | ||||||
Executive Summary WMMC SRW | 15729 | Document | |||||||
Workshop on the Poorly Documented Takes of Small Cetaceans: West Africa... | . | 11064 | Document | ||||||
Stock structure hypotheses under consideration for the gray whale... | 15675 | Document | |||||||
Status of a 'DNA register' for humpback whales in the North Pacific | 15753 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: Assessment of Arabian Sea humpback body... | 16191 | Document | |||||||
1737 | Document | |||||||
EM Draft Agenda | 15750 | Document | |||||||
1736 | Document | |||||||
A Bayesian approach for estimating eastern North Pacific gray whale... | 13884 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: Songs of Arabian Sea humpback whales off the... | 16200 | Document | |||||||
1714 | Document | |||||||
Spatial distribution of parent-offspring pairs based on the GENELAND... | Mioko Taguchi | 11451 | Document | ||||||
New Commissioner for Nauru | IWC | 2024 | 22002 | Document | ||||
1731 | Document | |||||||
1644 | Document | |||||||
EM Draft Report - Part 1 | . | 11367 | Document | ||||||
Assessing the body condition of the world’s only non-migratory humpback... | 13950 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Assessing regional variation in Antarctic... | 15858 | Document | |||||||
1671 | Document | |||||||
1710 | Document | |||||||
Shipping routes through core habitat of endangered sperm whales along... | Alexandros Frantzis, Russell Leaper, Paraskevi Alexiadou... | 10761 | Document | ||||||
Summary of the time trends of some biological parameters of the North... | H. Maeda, Y. Ishikawa and H. Kato | 11502 | Document | ||||||
1732 | Document | |||||||
5952 | Document | |||||||
Draft table of Abundance Estimates. | . | 11643 | Document | ||||||
Draft SC Report ASI - all sections | 15921 | Document | |||||||
1706 | Document | |||||||
Excerpt from SC/66b/SM5 | 15666 | Document | |||||||
1693 | Document | |||||||
3385 | Document | |||||||
5858 | Document | |||||||
5861 | Document | |||||||
5916 | Document | |||||||
Draft Recommendation on 12.3 (following discussion on Friday) | 15996 | Document | |||||||
1654 | Document | |||||||
5883 | Document | |||||||
6038 | Document |