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+/- | Thumbnail | Document Number | Full Title | Author | Publication Year | ID | Type | Extension | Tools |
HIM Draft Report - Final section and workplan | . | 11316 | Document | ||||||
IWC Eastern South Pacific Southern Right Whale Conservation Management... | 10284 | Document | |||||||
Acoustic monitoring to document the spatial distribution and hotspots... | Gill Braulik, Anja Wittich, Jamie Macaulay, Magreth Kasuga... | 10737 | Document | ||||||
Southern right whale of the SW Atlantic: An update on the CMP actions... | 10323 | Document | |||||||
Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)... | 13284 | Document | |||||||
Gray whale research off northeastern Sakhalin Island and eastern... | 10317 | Document | |||||||
SM Draft Agenda | . | 11052 | Document | ||||||
Update on IWC Whale Watching Handbook | 14349 | Document | |||||||
The distribution of whales in the northern Arabian Sea along the coast... | 10356 | Document | |||||||
IWC Eastern South Pacific Southern Right Whale Conservation Management... | 10350 | Document | |||||||
The piracatinga (Calophysus macropterus) fishery and its impact on... | 14229 | Document | |||||||
HIM Draft Agenda | . | 11274 | Document | ||||||
History of IWC pollution initiatives | A. Hall | 11376 | Document | ||||||
Southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) return to a former... | Claire Charlton, Rhianne Ward, Robert D. McCauley... | 10842 | Document | ||||||
Annex B Agenda (uploaded at 10:00 on 22/05/2019) | . | 11784 | Document | ||||||
Summary of Unusual Cetaceans Strandings Events worldwide (2018-2020) | 14202 | Document | |||||||
4635 | Document | |||||||
Hypotheses and Questions for the Workshop on Ecosystem Functioning | . | 11361 | Document | ||||||
Annual Report of the Southern Ocean Research Partnership (IWC-SORP) 2018/19 | Elanor M. Bell | 10488 | Document | ||||||
Gray whales’ body condition in Laguna San Ignacio, BCS, México... | 10245 | Document | |||||||
SH Draft Report - Southern Right Whales | ... | 11259 | Document | ||||||
SH Draft Report - Item 2 | . | 11262 | Document | ||||||
SM Draft Report - Item 7.1 | . | 11097 | Document | ||||||
ASI One day Pre-meeting request | . | 11166 | Document | ||||||
Annex Q Report of the Standing Working Group on Abundance Estimates... | . | 11760 | Document | ||||||
Gray whales’ body condition in Laguna San Ignacio, BCS, México... | F. Ronzón-Contreras, S. Martínez-Aguilar, S.L. Swartz... | 10542 | Document | ||||||
SH Draft Report - Blue whales | . | 11256 | Document | ||||||
Annex A List of Participants (uploaded at 18.00 on 21/05/2019) | . | 11781 | Document | ||||||
Draft Document List | 13086 | Document | |||||||
IWC Eastern South Pacific Southern Right Whale Conservation Management... | 10221 | Document | |||||||
Intersessional progress with a North Pacific common minke whale... | 15771 | Document | |||||||
Long-term monitoring of marine mammal strandings reveals the importance... | Hélène Peltier, Alain Beaufils, Catherine Cesarini, Willy Dabin... | 10611 | Document | ||||||
Population trends for humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) foraging... | Cole Monnahan, Jorge Acevedo, Noble Hendrix, Scott Gende... | 10752 | Document | ||||||
Project Proposal Request - Using photo-ID to investigate the identity... | . | 11235 | Document | ||||||
Sample depletion (Item 3.2) | . | 11445 | Document | ||||||
Global Numbers of Ship Strikes: An Assessment of Collisions Between... | 14064 | Document | |||||||
Status update: North Atlantic right whales | 15699 | Document | |||||||
10.3 recommendations on the avoidance of sample depletion | 15723 | Document | |||||||
Spatial density modelling using statistical and machine learning... | Fang Lu, Christian Reiss, George Watters... | 10674 | Document | ||||||
Annex E Report of the Sub-Committee on Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling... | .. | 11751 | Document | ||||||
Status of the Icelandic whale DNA register | 15642 | Document | |||||||
SH - Databases (Groch/Rowntree) Photo-Identification comparison of... | . | 11799 | Document | ||||||
Draft Resolution on Food Security | Submitted by The Republic of Guinea and co-sponsored by Cambodia... | 2024 | 22246 | Document | ||||
5939 | Document | |||||||
SC67b recommendations on Maui dolphins | . | 11301 | Document | ||||||
Annex J Report of the Sub-Committee on Non-Deliberate Human-Induced... | . | 11766 | Document | ||||||
The Southwestern Atlantic Southern Right Whale... | 10338 | Document | |||||||
TANZANIA WHALE NETWORK January 2019 Newsletter | 2018 Report of Sightings - Gill Braulik and Danielle Stern | 10743 | Document | ||||||
Annex X from SC67B SC Report: Preliminary Feedback by the SC on the... | ... | 11622 | Document | ||||||
Estimates of humpback and minke whale entanglements in Scotland | 14097 | Document | |||||||
1768 | Document | |||||||
1774 | Document | |||||||
Annex D Report of the Sub-Committee on Implementation Reviews and... | .. | 11754 | Document | ||||||
Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) movement patterns along... | E Vermeulen, T Bouveroux, S Plön, S Atkins, W Chivell, V Cockcroft... | 10734 | Document | ||||||
Agenda SC68A | . | 10992 | Document | ||||||
Proposal: Simulating line transect data to investigate robustness of... | . | 11169 | Document | ||||||
Freshwater small cetaceans in Asia - current situation and role of a... | 13833 | Document | |||||||
ASI Pre-Meeting Draft Agenda | 15960 | Document | |||||||
Pollution 2020 - Cetacean contaminant mapping tool | Ailsa Hall, Caroline Cummings and Joanna Kershaw | 10629 | Document | ||||||
Annex L Report of the Standing Working Group on Ecosystem Modelling... | . | 11763 | Document | ||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: A Franciscana Survey in Uruguay – Overcoming... | 15975 | Document | |||||||
Remote electronic monitoring of marine turtle bycatch in the Eastern... | Aneesh Sharma, Alfredo Sfeir and Olivier Chassot | 10590 | Document | ||||||
Aerial surveys for Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis)... | Helena Herr, Natalie Kelly, Boris Dorschel, Marcus Huntemann... | 10812 | Document | ||||||
Analytical approaches to subspecies delimitation with genetic data.... | K.K. Martien, M.S. Leslie, B.L. Taylor, P.A. Morin, F.I. Archer... | 10830 | Document | ||||||
Whale Distribution in the Northern Arabian Sea along Coast of Pakistan... | 14307 | Document | |||||||
1764 | Document | |||||||
Welcome to the SC - For Newcomers 2020 | 13254 | Document | |||||||
ASI Pre-Meeting Draft Agenda | 15930 | Document | |||||||
RV Maria S. Merian cruise FINWAP - a dedicated IWC-SORP fin whale... | Helena Herr, Simone Panigada, Anna Panasiuk, Jen Jackson, Paula Olson... | 11208 | Document | ||||||
The Southwestern Atlantic Southern Right Whale... | 10209 | Document | |||||||
HIM Draft Report - Draft text of NZ Dolphin Spatial Risk Assessment... | . | 11310 | Document | ||||||
NH Draft Report - Part 2 | . | 11346 | Document | ||||||
Stock structure issues related to western gray whales | 13215 | Document | |||||||
Draft Document List | 13257 | Document | |||||||
Determination of optimal acoustic passive reflectors to reduce bycatch... | 14001 | Document | |||||||
SDDNA Draft Report - Sei and Bryde's -Item 4.1.2 | . | 11460 | Document | ||||||
Abstract for paper SC/68A/INFO/45 | . | 11583 | Document | ||||||
Single nucleotide polymorphisms - SNP Data Quality | . | 11463 | Document | ||||||
Investigation of a mass stranding of 68 short-beaked common dolphins in... | MARCELA M. UHART, ENRIQUE A. CRESPO, MARÍA FLORENCIA GRANDI... | 10650 | Document | ||||||
More evidence of unsustainable dolphin-watching practices in Bocas del... | Ashley S.M.Sitar Soller and E.C.M. Parsons | 10890 | Document | ||||||
An update of the Norwegian minke whale DNA register (May 7, 2020) | 15693 | Document | |||||||
Summary of the time trends of some biological parameters of the North... | H. Maeda, Y. Ishikawa and H. Kato | 10458 | Document | ||||||
Agenda for the Standing Working Group on Abundance Estimates... | . | 11133 | Document | ||||||
New Zealand - Progress Report Summary | David Lundquist | 11670 | Document | ||||||
IWC Strandings Initiative Guidance for International Training and... | K.A. Stockin, S. Mazzariol, N. Chansue, R. Deaville, D. Grover... | 10638 | Document | ||||||
Abundance of the Eastern Chukchi Sea stock of Beluga whales, 2012-2017 | G. H. Givens, M.C. Ferguson, J.T. Clarke, A. Willoughby, A. Brower... | 10932 | Document | ||||||
Project Proposal Request - Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue:... | . | 11232 | Document | ||||||
Annex H Report of the Sub-Committee on Other Southern Hemisphere Whale... | . | 11778 | Document | ||||||
The distribution of whales in the northern Arabian Sea along the coast... | 10227 | Document | |||||||
Information for Participants | . | 11007 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Norwegian 2019 survey for minke whales within the Small... | 13152 | Document | |||||||
Population Assessment Update for Sakhalin Gray Whales | 10278 | Document | |||||||
Aerial survey confirms high fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) densities... | Helena Herr, Sacha Viquerat | 11205 | Document | ||||||
ASI Agenda | 15843 | Document | |||||||
German authorities refuse to advance level of protection for the... | Helena Herr, Fabian Ritter, Michael Dahne, Michael Stachowitsch, Ida Carlen | 11079 | Document | ||||||
Morphometric analysis of Chilean blue whales and implications for their... | L.A. Pastene, J. Acevedo and T. Branch | 10851 | Document | ||||||
Marine Mammal Observations from CCAMLR synoptic krill survey 2018/19 | Jackson, Bluw, Lindstrom, Krafft | 11202 | Document | ||||||
SH Draft Report - Item 4 | . | 11265 | Document | ||||||
IST Chair's Summary (uploaded at 18.00 on 19/05/2019) | . | 11700 | Document | ||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Reconciling a long-term photo-id database... | 15822 | Document | |||||||
Discussion on engagement with RFMOs outlined in HIM 04 and HIM 05 and... | 15912 | Document | |||||||
NH Agenda | 15690 | Document | |||||||
List of Participants | . | 10998 | Document | ||||||
Proposed update of Table 3 in SC/67b/ASI14 | J. Cooke and S. Mizrcoch | 11037 | Document | ||||||
ASI - Modelling/Computing (Palka/Smith) Simulating line transect data... | . | 11805 | Document | ||||||
Update on the Gulf of Mexico (Bryde's) whale research - 2019-2020 | 14058 | Document | |||||||
Recommendations related to bycatch of Iberian harbour porpoise | 15963 | Document | |||||||
Project Proposal Request - Photo Identification comparison of southern... | . | 11241 | Document | ||||||
Requirements and Guidelines for Conducting Surveys JCRM Suppl 13 pp507-518 | . | 11028 | Document | ||||||
An update of the Norwegian minke whale DNA register (May 7, 2020) | 16053 | Document | |||||||
Progress on recommendations | ... | 11298 | Document | ||||||
Annex K Report of the Sub-Committee on Environmental Concerns (uploaded... | . | 11742 | Document | ||||||
Issues for possible attention under core agenda items of ASI pre-meeting | D.S. Butterworth | 11019 | Document | ||||||
Previous advice - excerpt from JCRM 16 (Supp) 2015 | 15657 | Document | |||||||
1761 | Document | |||||||
Appendix 1 – Hector’s and Māui Dolphin Threat Management Plan Review... | Barbara Taylor, Mike Lonergan, Randall Reeves | 10887 | Document | ||||||
SAN Chair's Summary (uploaded at 18.15 on 18/05/2019) | . | 11697 | Document | ||||||
Whale Distribution in the Northern Arabian Sea along Coast of Pakistan... | 13815 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Intersessional Working Group on the Comprehensive... | 15780 | Document | |||||||
Conservation Management Plans: outcomes of the mid-term review and... | 10344 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Steering Group of the IWC-POWER (North Pacific Ocean... | 15852 | Document | |||||||
Multi-stakeholder collaboration yields valuable data for cetacean... | G. Minton, J.R. Kema Kema, A. Todd, L. Korte, P.B. Maganga... | 10776 | Document | ||||||
Marked phylogeographic differentiation of sei whale based on... | Maria Jose Perez-Alvarez, Francisca Rodriguez, Sebastian Kraft... | 10482 | Document | ||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: pre-meeting of the abundance steering group | 15891 | Document | |||||||
Oman research update; documenting cetacean diversity and blue whale... | 10359 | Document | |||||||
North Atlantic Humpback Whale Catalog: overview of current holdings | Lindsey Jones | 10437 | Document | ||||||
Modelling the drift of bycaught dolphin stranded carcasses help... | Hélène Peltier, Willy Dabin, Cécile Dars, Fabien Demaret... | 10605 | Document | ||||||
SC/67B/ASI4 Report of the intersessional email group on ASI | . | 11022 | Document | ||||||
ASI Draft Agenda | . | 11109 | Document | ||||||
Recommendations from IMR/NAMMCO Report Atlantic Harbour Porpoise... | . | 11082 | Document | ||||||
Annex R Report of the Working Group on Whale Sanctuaries (uploaded at... | . | 11739 | Document | ||||||
Guide to the Scientific Committee 2019 | . | 11010 | Document | ||||||
Preliminary report on a new baleen whale mortality at the Golfo de... | Carlos Olavarría, Keri-Lee Pashuk, Greg Landreth, Daniel Torres... | 10656 | Document | ||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Pygmy blue whale stock assessments | 15786 | Document | |||||||
IA Draft Agenda | 16143 | Document | |||||||
Eastern North Pacific gray whale calf production estimates 1994-2018 | 10386 | Document | |||||||
Project Proposal Request - Photo Identification comparison of southern... | . | 11541 | Document | ||||||
IA Draft Report - Items 1 and 2 | . | 11496 | Document | ||||||
SH Chair's Summary (uploaded at 09.30 on 22/05/2019) | . | 11730 | Document | ||||||
1757 | Document | |||||||
Status report of conservation and researches on the Western North... | 10212 | Document | |||||||
The distribution of whales in the northern Arabian Sea along the coast... | 10290 | Document | |||||||
IST Draft Report - Bryde's whales | ... | 10989 | Document | ||||||
Report of the Conservation Management Plan for Franciscana (Pontoporia... | 10392 | Document | |||||||
1759 | Document | |||||||
ASW Chair's Summary (uploaded at 09:15 on 20/05/2019) | . | 11706 | Document | ||||||
The Kenya Marine Mammal Network: cetacean research and citizen science | 10272 | Document | |||||||
IST Draft annotated agenda | Greg Donovan | 10968 | Document | ||||||
SH Draft Report - Item 3 | . | 11250 | Document | ||||||
Italy - Progress Report Summary | Giancarlo Lauriano | 11682 | Document | ||||||
Estimates of humpback and minke whale entanglements in Scotland | 13992 | Document | |||||||
Netherlands - Progress Report Summary | Meike Scheidat | 11673 | Document | ||||||
5942 | Document | |||||||
NH Draft Agenda | . | 11328 | Document | ||||||
Proposed process to facilitate a review by the Committee of 'Spatial... | ... | 11811 | Document | ||||||
Report of the intersessional work on organizing the IWC-CMS joint... | 15759 | Document | |||||||
Assessment of cortisol concentration in baleens of gray whales... | Naidenko S.V., Klyuchnikova P.S. and Litovka, D.I. | 10905 | Document | ||||||
1769 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Conservation Management Plan for Franciscana (Pontoporia... | 10266 | Document | |||||||
SDDNA Draft Agenda | . | 11421 | Document | ||||||
Ministerial Resolution No.451-2019-Produce: Peru (English translation... | 15669 | Document | |||||||
Annex Q.. Report of the Standing Working Group on Abundance Estimates... | 15978 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Planning Meeting for the 2019 IWC-POWER cruise | IWC | 10959 | Document | ||||||
NH Agenda | 16089 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST: Songs of Arabian Sea humpback whales off the... | 16173 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Conservation Management Plan for Franciscana (Pontoporia... | 10326 | Document | |||||||
SH - Modelling/Computing (Kelly) Exploration of survey methods and... | . | 11790 | Document | ||||||
Draft report section 1 – cetacean abundance estimates and stock status | 15864 | Document | |||||||
Draft BMI workplan 2021-2014 | 15894 | Document | |||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Blue whales... | 15795 | Document | |||||||
Table of Accepted Abundance Estimates by the ASI Group in 2017 and 2018 | IWC | 11040 | Document | ||||||
Genetic diversity and connectivity of southern right whales (Eubalaena... | Carroll, Gaggiotti, Galletti Vernazzani, Ott, Neveceralova, Vermeulen... | 10476 | Document | ||||||
IWC Eastern South Pacific Southern Right Whale Conservation Management... | Barbara Galletti Vernazzani | 10518 | Document | ||||||
SAN Agenda | . | 11349 | Document | ||||||
Population structure of North Atlantic and North Pacific sei whales... | Huijser, L. A. E., M. Bérubé, N. Kanda, L. A. Pastene, M. Goto... | 10728 | Document | ||||||
Chair's Summary Part 2 - 21 May 2020 | 15678 | Document | |||||||
Oman research update; documenting cetacean diversity and blue whale... | Andrew Willson, Gianna Minton, Tim Collins, Suaad al Harthi... | 10527 | Document | ||||||
SM Draft Report - Table - Direct Takes of Small Cetacean in Japan by... | . | 11088 | Document | ||||||
HIM Draft Report - Item 3. Ship Strikes | . | 11307 | Document | ||||||
Direct measures of the interactions between two baleen whale species... | 15774 | Document | |||||||
Supplementary materials to assist consideration of the proposed East... | Lars Witting | 10977 | Document | ||||||
Can modelling the drift of bycaught dolphin stranded carcasses help... | Hélène Peltier, Willy Dabin, Cécile Dars, Fabien Demaret... | 10818 | Document | ||||||
Comments on document SC/68A/ASI/07 regarding the assessment of North... | D. Pike, G.A. Víkingsson, Th. Gunnlaugsson and B.Þ Elvarsson | 10953 | Document | ||||||
Report of the 2018 meeting of the IWC-POWER Technical Advisory Group (TAG) | IWC | 10956 | Document | ||||||
Annex N Report of the Sub-Committee on Whale Watching (uploaded at... | . | 11745 | Document | ||||||
1756 | Document | |||||||
g(0) estimates for western North Pacific common minke whales (SC/62/NPM9) | Hiroshi Okamura, Tomio Miyashita and Toshihide Kitakado | 11151 | Document | ||||||
HIM Draft Report - NZ dolphin spatial risk assessment | . | 11319 | Document | ||||||
Statement by Japan regarding the assessment process of North Pacific... | 15834 | Document | |||||||
Reducing effort in the U.S. American lobster (Homarus americanus)... | 15918 | Document | |||||||
Comments by Peru to paper SC/68B/INFO/27 | 15684 | Document | |||||||
Steroid hormone extraction and quantification validation in Southern... | Joanna L. Kershaw, Emma L. Carroll, Leigh Torres and Ailsa J. Hall | 10467 | Document | ||||||
Comparison of blue whale body length data between North and Southeast... | Branch, Pastene, Brownell | 11211 | Document | ||||||
NH Draft Report - Part 1 | . | 11343 | Document | ||||||
Intersessional Report to DB (2018-19) | Brendan Miller and Mike Double | 11631 | Document | ||||||
Recommendations related to the Baltic harbour porpoise | 15936 | Document | |||||||
Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis)... | Claire Charlton, Rhianne Ward, Robert D. McCauley... | 10839 | Document | ||||||
Terms of Referece for intersessional work on g(0) correction for the... | . | 11160 | Document | ||||||
SH Draft Report - Items 7 and 8 | . | 11271 | Document | ||||||
CMP Documents | . | 11514 | Document | ||||||
1777 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Intersessional Correspondence Group on North Pacific sei... | 15828 | Document | |||||||
1743 | Document | |||||||
1771 | Document | |||||||
IST Draft Report - except Bryde's | . | 10986 | Document | ||||||
Updated analysis of abundance and population structure of seasonal gray... | 13110 | Document | |||||||
Assessment modelling for an in-depth assessment of North Pacific sei... | 16161 | Document | |||||||
Oman research update; documenting cetacean diversity and blue whale... | 10293 | Document | |||||||
ASI Draft Report - Summary of the work of the ASI small group meeting:... | . | 11181 | Document | ||||||
ASI - Meetings/Workshops (ASI Group) Pre-Meeting of the Abundance... | . | 11802 | Document | ||||||
1753 | Document | |||||||
5940 | Document | |||||||
The Southwestern Atlantic Southern Right Whale... | 10260 | Document | |||||||
IA Draft Agenda | . | 11469 | Document | ||||||
Further Geneland analyses of the Japanese microsatellite DNA dataset on... | A. Rus Hoelzel and Menno de Jong | 10569 | Document | ||||||
Item 3.1.2 - Summary from Olson on intersessional progress on Antarctic... | . | 11190 | Document | ||||||
4637 | Document | |||||||
The Kenya Marine Mammal Network: cetacean research and citizen science | 10395 | Document | |||||||
1739 | Document | |||||||
SDDNA Draft Report - Item 2 - DNA testing | . | 11457 | Document | ||||||
Oman research update; documenting cetacean diversity and blue whale... | 10230 | Document | |||||||
Ship strike risk mitigation by Antarctic Expedition Tourism vessels | Cheeseman, Lynnes and Kelly | 11277 | Document | ||||||
IA Draft Report - Items 3, 5 and 6 | . | 11499 | Document | ||||||
Schedule of papers to discuss 14-15 May 2019 | . | 11520 | Document | ||||||
Map of the Hotel | . | 11004 | Document | ||||||
Statement regarding Japan's Withdrawl from IWC | Japan | 11553 | Document | ||||||
Stranding of beaked whales along the Santa Cruz province... | M.A. Iñíguez Bessega, M. Hevia, Frank Cipriano, J. Belgrano, M. Failla... | 10662 | Document | ||||||
Argentina - Progress Report Summary | Miguel Iñíguez | 11691 | Document | ||||||
Proposed Order of Papers | . | 11508 | Document | ||||||
Draft Report Item 21.2 SORP | 15756 | Document | |||||||
ASW Draft Agenda | . | 11562 | Document | ||||||
SM Chair's Summary (uploaded at 14.55 on 22/05/19) | . | 11736 | Document | ||||||
PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUEST - IWC-POWER cruise in 2021 including... | 15942 | Document | |||||||
A Global Reassessment of Solitary-Sociable Dolphins Front. Vet. Sci. 5... | L. Nunny and M.P. Simmonds | 10779 | Document | ||||||
Spain - Progress Report Summary | Begoña Santos | 11664 | Document | ||||||
Request for assistance in developing WW guidelines in Timor-Leste | 15660 | Document | |||||||
Status update: North Atlantic right whales | 15741 | Document | |||||||
Report of the Steering Group of the IWC-POWER (North Pacific Ocean... | 15888 | Document | |||||||
1749 | Document | |||||||
Results of the Japanese dedicated cetacean sighting survey in the... | 13161 | Document |